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-   -   MP: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 4, 8/12 remaining] (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=48330)

3V4JKZ2 February 5th, 2012 06:18 PM

The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 4, 8/12 remaining]
Edit: I forgot to mention; please give 2-3 days notice if you need to go absent/quit for attempts to find replacements.

What is meant by new player friendly: This game is not exclusively for new players (though I am one, and I expect there will be more). What is recommended is that new players take supposedly "stronger" nations and the most experienced players take supposedly "weaker" nations, or try something new.

Also, I think a fairness in this sort of game would be for new players, once defeated, to be able to request explanations of why people did things certain ways (IE, hold questions until you're out, then PM questions to your victor, to get some learnings). This game is all about having fun and improving, for newer players and vets alike. People should generally disclose their experience with their nation pick.

The specs:

Host:: PBEM Llamaserver.
Age: MA
Map: Primea [13 per playerish]
How Often on Turns: 24 hours quickhost to turn 20 (or requests), 48 hours from there, slow to 72 hours late game if necessary.
Number of Players: 12
Mods: Most new players struggle with the systems mastery required for dominions 3. Changing it up with any mod that does not have a completely accurate changelog amounts to adding a second level of systems mastery, making this harder for new players.
Non-Standard Settings: Special sites at 45%, Hall of Fame entries 15, Renaming is allowed.
Victory Conditions: Last one standing
Diplomacy Policy: None; do as you wish, keeping in mind consequences in future games, as well as later in that game (if you stab someone early, any alliance later in that game is likely to prove less trustworthy). Trades should be fulfilled
Cheesy Tricks: New players won't know them and won't be ready for them. This is things like sending 50 bad items to someone right as they put up forge of the ancients to make them waste gems, using scouts to constantly siege someone's fortress, and there are probably a few others I historically read about but have since forgotten.

My race: Ashdod. Note that this is my first MP game, so there may be things that I am just figuring out in terms of hosting. I have read this forum a fair bit.

Hope this sounds good and that I haven't forgotten anything.

1: 3V4JKZ2 : Ashdod : First Multiplayer. Eliminated
2: Samoht: Ermor: First multiplayer
3: Blubbernaught: Abyssia : First Multiplayer
4: Ragnarok-X: Pythium : First multiplayer
5: Nightfall: Mictlan: A few Games
6: Legowarrior: Agartha : A Few Games
7: Pavonis: Arcoscephale: A few games
8: kennoseishin: T'ien Ch'i: A few games
9: Wendigo_Reloaded: R'lyeh: Experienced but rusty
10: Korwin: Bander Log : Experienced, not expert
11: Ossa: Man: Eperienced, not expert. --- Eliminated
12: Executor: C`tis: Extra Experienced

Game link is here

Map is here

Pavonis February 6th, 2012 05:46 AM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA, 8-16 players, new player friendly, no mods [1/16 recruiti
I want to try Arcoscephale! I've only played a few games so am quite the nooby.

3V4JKZ2 February 6th, 2012 01:00 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA, 8-16 players, new player friendly, no mods [2/8 recruitin
Dealsies. And I edited the title to show the minimum (8) rather than max (16), since it seems this game isn't getting too much attention.

Korwin February 6th, 2012 02:04 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA, 8-16 players, new player friendly, no mods [2/8 recruitin
MA Vanilla? I want another try with Bandar Log. So far I got crushed pretty fast with them...

3V4JKZ2 February 6th, 2012 02:20 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA, 8-16 players, new player friendly, no mods [3/8 recruitin
Sounds good. I'm guessing on the 400 posts and the (or so I've heard) historically weak nation that you've played a few games previously?

Korwin February 6th, 2012 03:31 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA, 8-16 players, new player friendly, no mods [3/8 recruitin
I would count me in the intermediate camp, loong way from expert Player (probably to lazy for that anyway)...

Executor February 6th, 2012 03:37 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA, 8-16 players, new player friendly, no mods [3/8 recruitin
I'd enjoy a game without CBM for once. It's been a long time since I played vanilla, if you'll have me that is.
As for the nation, not sure what you personally consider a weaker nation in MA, C'tis? Man? Arco?
I'll take anything really, no preferences.

Ossa February 6th, 2012 03:43 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA, 8-16 players, new player friendly, no mods [3/8 recruitin
Same here - I'd like to join, but I'm rather experienced (though not good at all;) ). Just assign me any nation of your choice.

parone February 6th, 2012 04:02 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA, 8-16 players, new player friendly, no mods [3/8 recruitin
ordered the game. having it shipped. truly a newbie, tho i have played the demo a bit. how long till this kicks off? i guess i'd like to take ulm(harder to get killed immediately).

if im too much of a newbie, i understand.

Korwin February 6th, 2012 04:38 PM

Re: The Ascension Wars: MA, 8-16 players, new player friendly, no mods [3/8 recruitin
Ulm is really, really bad. I would advise against it.

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