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WraithLord April 25th, 2010 09:59 AM

MP Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 15/10/2012]
2 Attachment(s)
Note: Due to the forum's single post size limitation the Hall of Honor is now stored in the attached file.

Victorious Nations

All Age Mega Game
Winners: Zeldor - Game:Kingmaker - Players: 63 - Nation: LA Argatha - Mods: custom


EA Sauromatia : 10.00
EA Lanka : 8.00
EA Fomoria : 6.50
EA Mictlan : 5.50
EA Caelum : 5.00
EA Niefelheim : 5.00
EA Kailasa : 5.00
EA Ulm : 4.50
EA Helheim : 4.00
EA C'tis : 3.50
EA Pangaea : 3.00
EA Agartha : 3.00
EA Hinnom : 3.00
EA Atlantis : 3.00
EA Arcoscephale : 2.50
EA T'ien Ch'i : 2.33
EA Yomi : 2.33
EA Marveni : 2.00
EA Vanheim : 1.50
EA Oceania : 1.33
EA R'lyeh : 1.00
EA Abysia : 1.00
Nieflheim : 1.00
EA Arco : 1.00
EA Tien Chi : 1.00
Kailasa : 1.00
Yomi : 1.00
Helheim : 1.00
EA Rlyeh : 0.50


MA Pythium : 9.00
MA Abysia : 8.00
MA R'lyeh : 6.50
MA Shinuyama : 6.00
MA Jotunheim : 5.50
MA Pangaea : 5.50
MA Ulm : 4.33
MA Ermor : 4.00
MA Mictlan : 4.00
MA Caelum : 3.00
MA Marignon : 2.00
MA Oceania : 2.00
MA C'tis : 2.00
MA Vanheim : 2.00
MA Atlantis : 2.00
Itza : 2.00
MA Bandar Log : 2.00
Vanheim : 2.00
Nehekara : 1.50
MA Machaka : 1.33
MA Man : 1.33
MA Ulm Reborn : 1.00
MA Arcoscephale : 1.00
MA Arga Dis : 1.00
MA Ashdod : 1.00
MA Nehekhara : 1.00
Man : 1.00
Eriu : 1.00
MA Abyssia : 1.00
Pangaea : 1.00
Haida Gwaii : 1.00
Oceania : 1.00
Bretonnia : 1.00
MA T'ien Ch'i : 0.50
MA Agartha : 0.50


LA Ermor : 10.00
LA Mictlan : 4.00
LA R'lyeh : 4.00
LA Midgard : 4.00
LA Utgard : 3.50
LA Ulm : 3.50
LA Patala : 3.50
LA T'ien Ch'i : 3.00
LA Jomon : 3.00
LA Agartha : 2.00
LA Marignon : 2.00
LA Pangaea : 2.00
LA Abysia : 2.00
LA Man : 2.00
LA Atlantis : 1.50
LA Ulm Reborn : 1.00
LA Pythium : 1.00
LA Gath : 1.00
LA Bogarus : 1.00
LA Marginon : 1.00
Agartha : 1.00
Jomon : 1.00
Patala : 1.00
Mictlan : 1.00

Hall of Fame

1 - wraithlord 10.00/142
2 - micah 9.00/141
3 - juffos 8.00/101
4 - executor 7.00/104
5 - isokron 7.00/97
6 - earcaraxe 7.00/54
7 - zeldor 6.50/144
8 - psycho 6.50/83
9 - calmon 6.00/82
10- baalz 6.00/67
11- gfsnl 6.00/50
12- squirrelloid 5.50/61
13- amhazair 5.00/92
14- evilhomer 4.00/46
15- kadelake 4.00/45

WraithLord April 25th, 2010 10:04 AM

Re: Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II
I need your help plz. Calmon should have 6 wins but I have only 5 games won by him in the DB:
Winner: Calmon
Game: The Quick and the Dead
Game Link: unknown
Players: 8
Nation: LA Ermor
Mods: unknown
Era: LA

Winner: Calmon
Game: Faerun MA PBEM
Game Link: http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...b=5&o=&fpart=1
Players: 17
Nation: MA Ermor
Mods: none
Era: MA

Winner: Calmon
Game: Consecrated Ground
Game Link: http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...b=5&o=&fpart=1
Players: 10
Nation: EA Helheim
Mods: Worthy Heroes
Era: EA

Winner: calmon
Game: Fracture
Game Link: http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...=&fpart=1&vc=1
Players: 16
Nation: LA Marignon
Mods: Worthy Heroes
Era: LA

Winner: Calmon
Game Link: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=39174
Players: 13
Nation: MA Ashdod
Mods: CBM
Era: MA

Where is his missing win?

Hadrian_II April 25th, 2010 10:47 AM

Re: Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II
maybe he reported it to tyrant directly, or i made a type in his name one time, i think everyone interested should check if his personal victories are listed correctly.

Trumanator April 26th, 2010 03:14 AM

Re: Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II
Winner: Baalz
Game: Blood Red
Game Link: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showt...light=Bloodred
Players: 10
Nation: Nehekara
Mods: CBM 1.6, Skaven, Ogres, Nehekara, Dwarfs, Jomon Broken, Themiskyra, Alugra
Era: MA

This one is missing.

Also, there are two EA Niefelheims in the list :)

WraithLord April 26th, 2010 03:39 AM

Re: Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 26/04/2010]
OP fixed and updated. Thanks.

Dimaz April 26th, 2010 04:41 AM

Re: Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 26/04/2010]
I don't see all ages Timewarp game where Executor won (don't know if it was osted in the original list).

WraithLord April 26th, 2010 04:45 AM

Re: Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 26/04/2010]
I saw only Kingmaker all age game in the original list.
Care to fill the missing info?
link: ? - Players: ? - Nation: ? - Mods: ?

Dimaz April 26th, 2010 05:26 AM

Re: Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 26/04/2010]
Post 269 in original thread has formatted info.

ano April 26th, 2010 06:38 AM

Re: Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 26/04/2010]

Winners: karnoza&executor -game: Beer - Players: 17 - Nations(s): EA Vanheim&EA Mictlan
It was not a team game just a joint win. Two people reached the victory condition simultaneously.

ano April 26th, 2010 06:45 AM

Re: Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 26/04/2010]
And I'll add 2 more which I didn't want to add before because it makes little sense as both games were finished due to exceptional tiredness.

Game: Stasis
Era: MA
Winners: AdmiralZhao(R'lyeh), ano (Shinuyama), karnoza(Ulm)
Mods: Worthy Heroes 1.8

Game: Heracles
Era: LA
Winners: ano(C'tis), karnoza(Caelum), Dragar(Utgard)
Mods: Worthy Heroes 1.8

And thank you, WL, for taking over this work.

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