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High_Priest_Naresh April 9th, 2006 04:00 PM

lord of the rings mod
I am back *waits for the sound of cheers and cries of happiness and glory to die down*

so far I have made Isenguard weapons and armour:
crude short sword- orc workers low in everything
uruk sword- uruk-hai medium damage and low att def
beserker T-sword- beserkers high is damage about 6-8)medium att low def

uruk shield- uruks -1 def +1 enc.

warriors hope to be:
orc warrior
uruk-hai scout
uruk-hai warrior (sword shield)
uruk-hai warrior (pike)
uruk-hai warrior (crossbow)
beserker (beserker T-sword)
warg rider (javelins + crode short sword)

I also have plans for
elven nations
possibly hobbits

please tell me what u think as I can then ake it better and better hopefully releasing a mod which will be used in large multiplayer games

shovah April 9th, 2006 04:26 PM

Re: lord of the rings mod
Welcome Back!
isenguard could also use some seige weapons, should have something in their capitol to increase resources and this should be in the mods forum

Morkilus April 9th, 2006 04:53 PM

Re: lord of the rings mod
How about those ghost dudes that Aragorn hires in Return of the King? You could mod Soul Gate http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

shovah April 9th, 2006 05:17 PM

Re: lord of the rings mod
the army of the dead might be a little overpowered (but then again so is soulgate http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif). if you do decide to make them then all you would really need is to give dispossesed spectral swords and turn them green (and make spectral legionairs just slightly stronger versions). only problem is they only really have one leader but im sure they could have captians. they should be fast and maybe an expensive commander/unit that looks like a bunch of them could have trample to show how they slaughtered the enemy in a huge tide of ethereal death

Endoperez April 9th, 2006 05:46 PM

Re: lord of the rings mod
The army of the dead would actually be more akin to a ritual spell, or perhaps an event or site effect. Those aren't easy to mod, though. Replacing Ghost Riders might do it.

Anything besides nations is almost impossible to do, though, because almost everything was "pre-scripted", unique, and needed special condition to trigger. As an example, the nine would be dead once they died. The only way to model anything like them in Dominions would be unique summon spell, which would be expensive but could be casted once/turn if the player hadn't spent too much resources during the first 30-50 turns.

Daynarr April 9th, 2006 06:12 PM

Re: lord of the rings mod
Well I remember there was talk about LOTR mod way back since Dom2 was released. Unfortunately, mod never took off.
You have my vote to go for it. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

shovah April 9th, 2006 06:51 PM

Re: lord of the rings mod
to make the nine you could always just add them as heroes, it would mean they are hard to get but its probably the best thing i can think of

Olive April 10th, 2006 04:17 AM

Re: lord of the rings mod
Yes, a Tolkien mod would be cool. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Some more nations ideas :
- For the elven nations, there could be Lorien and Mirkwood.
- Dwarven. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif
For men :
- Khand.
- Harad (with Elephants http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif ).
- Dun.
Others :
- Why not a nature nation : A mix between Beornids, Fangorn and the old forest (with Bombadil as a Hero http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif ).

Afaik, the game will have 3 eras. It should be a great opportunity to mod the different Middle Earth ages :
- 1st age with mostly Elves and Fantastic creatures, few men.
- 2nd age with still many elves, but more men nations (I.E. Numenor).
- 3rd age with mostly men and few elves.

Well, maybe I'm wrong with the different ages, It's a lot of time I haven't read the Silmarillon http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif . That should be a cool mod, but it certainly requires a lot of work. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/Injured.gif

High_Priest_Naresh April 10th, 2006 06:36 AM

Re: lord of the rings mod
thanks for all your help so far I am still working in Isenguard I will send endoperez a copy of it when t is finished (Isewnguard that is) and I will see where we go from there

OG_Gleep April 10th, 2006 02:32 PM

Re: lord of the rings mod
The Lords of the Rings game from Gameworkshop would be a great resource, as they have a lot of the "non-movie" backdrop fleshed out, and have a somewhat related system (heros, magic, items, troops).

Army of the dead I think is a full fledge army in the TT game.

Anyhow, I have every white dwarf (game related magazine) since they released the game, and would be happy to look stuff up. I am sure there are web resources however that you can use to mine info.

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