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Atrocities August 10th, 2004 03:59 PM

Rant: Evil Doer\'s Strike Again.
Please be warned that this post is one that will offend most people. I am sorry for this, and for offending any liberal democrat that wants to tell me how to live my life. I honestly do not want to offend any one who does not deserve to be offended. I feel that it is important to clarify that my intention here is purely to vent and address some issues that I feel are important. This is just a rant; it is not directed at any member of this forum and should not be taken too seriously. If you disagree with me, great, counter points of view are what make our country strong. However if you are not an American, and you post a dissenting point of view toward mine, I will most likely ignore you. You do not live here and as much as I may respect you and your country, and value your opinion, I am only after American points of view. However, I thank any one who does post and I hope that what you post will support my rant. If not, well, it should make for some interesting reading.

www.bush2004.com owned and operated by registered democrats that support www.kerry2004.com. [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/mad.gif[/img]

Actually a novel idea, and more proof that the democrats are as dirty as they come when it comes to cheap under handed tactics. Kudos� to you folks for playing the part of propaganda misters so well. Adolph would be proud. For me, my choice is a simple one, I don't want to belong to a party that does exactly the kind of thing that my ex-stepmother used to do. Manufacture lies, invent mythical problems, role reverse, lie, and generally enjoy being nasty to others while smiling to their face and stabbing them in the back at the same time. Nope, I will stick with the side that doesn't remove the G W B keys from all the key Boards in the white house, and who hasn't taxed us into bankruptcy and sold our jobs to CHINA for re-election.

Oh wait, didn�t GWB do exactly that, he lied to us about Iraq and weapons of mass destruction? Well in a nutshell, yes, yes he did. However, he is the president of the United States and he based his decision on information and facts that we now know were of questionable origins whereas we did not know that at the time. The ends do not justify the means, but to be perfectly honest with you, I thank God that we did take our Saddam and by doing so sent a message to the rest of the terrorist breading nations that we will come after them, and we will do it regardless of world support. I do agree that the post war situation was handled poorly and that those directly tasked with the responsibly should have done a better job. However, this limping around Iraq with one hand tied behind our backs all because our liberal media, and world opinion, are against us is no excuse for not finding and removing those individuals who are responsible for the continued unrest in Iraq. (No Bush is not on that list thank you very much.)

The 2004 donkey march toward the white house is paved by lies, misrepresentation of facts, deceit, and under handed dirty pool hall tricks that until now only Nixon had been accused of.

It sours me horribly to think that Kerry and his lawsuit happy cohort could actually win.

Sure Bush has his problems but I ask you what president hasn't? One thing is for certain, Clintonomics got us into this recession, 911 plunged us deeper into it, and if not for Bush and the tax cuts God only knows how bad off we would be right now. And here comes Kerry with his tax increases, tax on gas - "If Americans can afford $2.00 a gallon for gas, then they can afford $3.00 a gallon," with his supportive view on kissing the asses of the anti American countries of the world. Excuse me Mr. Kerry, but no, no we cannot afford this!

Kerry voted for the patriot act, and now he is saying he is against it? What kind of politics is that? Mr. Kerry, you voted for it, and now your saying that you were "forced" into voting for it? Oh come on.

Kerry says that Bush didn't do all that he could have done to prevent the attacks of September 11th, when in fact it was he and his party who tried to decrease funding for the CIA, NSA, and the FBI after the first trade tower attack. Oh Come on Mr. Kerry be truthful and tell the American people how you tried to undermine our nations ability to detect and defend against terrorist attacks long before George W Bush was ever even elected into office.

If you think about it, Kerry has been in the political position to effect change far longer than George Bush has, and despite this, all that he has actively done has been to work toward cutting the funding of the very agencies tasked with the job of detecting and preventing terrorist attacks. Kerry should tell the American people the true, that he and his party were one of the principal causes that weakened our nations ability to protects itself from attack and that he and many other Democrats were the key players behind the scenes that led to the FBI and CIA's failure to stop the attacks of 9-11. It was Kerry and his party that undermining our nations ability to protect itself on September 11th, 2001, and not George Bush�s.

When it comes down to it, do we really want a lawsuit crazy, truth bending, tax raising, freedom taking, gun grabbing, fence riding, Clinton clone and his party running our country in time of war?

No I think not. I don't believe that it would be in our best interest to take a step backwards and readopt the failed Clinton philosophy of foreign affairs that lead to 9-11. Nor do I think it is a wise choice to raise taxes like Clinton, and send our struggling economy back into the red. Clinton rode the economic wave brought by the policies of Regan and Bush from before the Internet boom all the way through to his re-election. His economic Teflon shield served him well, even though he inherited the success, while selling our future to the Chinese for re-election. That criminally negligent act, along with NAFTA, started the recession ball rolling, the benefits of which coupled with Clintons foreign affairs policies lead to the 9-11 attacks that shot that recession ball right into the red like a ball out of a cannon. Thank you very much Mr. Clinton and Party.

The sad truth was, I was a democrat, registered too, and then came Clinton and his politics and I just could not adopt his politically correct, sue your neighbor, sign away your rights, and ride the fence political approach to governing our great nation. Under Clinton I saw everything from the cost of car insurance to the price of electricity rise while my paycheck fell do to his increased taxes. In the age of big money and profit I saw only loss and poverty.

Now here we are again, looking right down the barrel of the same gun. So many of us are buying into the liberal controlled media�s whipped up controversies and the lies of the Democratic party from Michael Moore all the way through to Ted Kennedy, that we don�t even realize it is they who are holding the gun of oppression to our very heads. They play their political game, do the old Potomac two step, and spin doctor the truth into a web of lies that leaves the mind numbed followers of our TV fed nation to believe that it is the other party who is sticking it to them. If you can get enough people to tell the same lie, then that lie becomes a reality and that reality becomes your prison, a prison controlled by the very people who started the lie.

Bare none; this election is about power and money. Nothing more and nothing less than that. So vote for whomever you want but understand one thing, when it comes down to it, whoever wins, in four years we start this all over again.
Either way it goes, I am going to register Kerry2008.com/org/net/other just so I can post all kinds of FAKE material on the web page so stupid people with no brains, will read it, believe it, and repeat it. Who knows, I might even make a movie about Kerry if he wins and make a hundred million dollars by telling the truth as I see it.

Sorry, had to rant.

rextorres August 19th, 2004 04:48 AM

Re: Rant: Evil Doer\'s Strike Again.
Umm. . . Atrocities the notokerry.com (which you site is in another post) is paid for by Bush Chenney '04 and the first thing one sees on Bush's website is bashing Kerry.

So you lose all credibility in your rant because Bush is actually funding the type of politics you are ranting against.

This is my guess:


You are deviously being a nutty right winger to turn off any possible swing voters in voting for Bush because they wouldn't want to be associated with people who rant like you.


You are starting to turn against Bush and so in your rants you are actually trying convince yourself.

I haven't figured which one it is though.

Atrocities August 19th, 2004 05:23 PM

Re: Rant: Evil Doer\'s Strike Again.
Thanks Rex for point this out, but look at the dates of this post compared to the other post. This post was made nearly a week ago.

Also the Bush's site DOES NOT MAKE CRAP UP about Kerry, whereas the Kerry controlled sight IS MAKING CRAP UP. Major differance.

The Anit Kerry Bush supported sight is not manufactuing stories like the Kerry Controlled bush2004.com site is. So they cannot be compared.

Also I am a republican and I am voting for Bush because Bush has no desire to take from me the very things I enjoy owning, and doing. Whereas Mr. Kerry does. The rest of this crap is tripe as far as I am concerned. Kerry is a proven liar, and dark side liberal left wing freedom grabing, right stealing, liar with delusions of Godhood. No thanks.

rextorres August 19th, 2004 06:30 PM

Re: Rant: Evil Doer\'s Strike Again.
I've got it - your overly hostile Posts suggest to me that you are conflicted and not just a nut.

Anyway let's be clear.

on 8/10 you posted a diatribe against a website http://www.bush2004.com that posted negative information which you disagreed with and called it lies.

You said that this negative stuff is "cheap under handed tactics".

on 8/18 you posted in another thread a link to a website http://www.notokerry.com funded by Bush Cheney '04 that essentially does exactly the same thing the website you ranted against does and that's ok!!?

Am I missing something?

Atrocities August 19th, 2004 06:35 PM

Re: Rant: Evil Doer\'s Strike Again.
Bush2004 is mostly made up stories that are not true. notokerry post true facts that are supported. Big differance Rex.

rextorres August 19th, 2004 06:53 PM

Re: Rant: Evil Doer\'s Strike Again.
That's a matter of opinion.

Atrocities August 19th, 2004 07:06 PM

Re: Rant: Evil Doer\'s Strike Again.
Right. And all because your differs from mine does not devalidate either.

Jack Simth August 19th, 2004 07:19 PM

Re: Rant: Evil Doer\'s Strike Again.

rextorres said:
That's a matter of opinion.

Umm, Rex, here's a quick quote from the Bush2004 site:

Support expansion of Bush2004.com as a major disinformation resource in the 2004 Presidential Campaign

(emphasis added)

Google's Definition of Disinformation

misinformation that is deliberately disseminated in order to influence or confuse rivals (foreign enemies or business competitors etc.)

Google's definition of misinformation:

information that is incorrect

So the Bush2004 site is saying it is deliberately giving out false information. I'd say it is not a matter of opinion that the Bush2004 site is lying, based on the site's own claims.

I'd check out the notokerry site, but I keep getting "cannot be found" Messages - seems to be a DNS failure.

Captain Kwok August 19th, 2004 07:30 PM

Re: Rant: Evil Doer\'s Strike Again.

The site is an obvious satirical site and not intended to be taken at face value nor does it imply that it is being founded by Democrats either.

I respect your opinion but before you get yourself worked up, double check the site so you don't need to rant. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

If I were in the US, I'd go with Kerry I suppose as the lesser of two evils. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Atrocities August 19th, 2004 09:54 PM

Re: Rant: Evil Doer\'s Strike Again.
I did check. Besides I was linked to it from the kerry2004.com site. Thats what ticked me off to begin with. And I find it find it funny that this topic was up for more than a week before any one posted. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif LOL

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