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MP Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 15/10/2012]
2 Attachment(s)
Note: Due to the forum's single post size limitation the Hall of Honor is now stored in the attached file.
Victorious Nations All Age Mega Game Winners: Zeldor - Game:Kingmaker - Players: 63 - Nation: LA Argatha - Mods: custom Early(89.500000) EA Sauromatia : 10.00 EA Lanka : 8.00 EA Fomoria : 6.50 EA Mictlan : 5.50 EA Caelum : 5.00 EA Niefelheim : 5.00 EA Kailasa : 5.00 EA Ulm : 4.50 EA Helheim : 4.00 EA C'tis : 3.50 EA Pangaea : 3.00 EA Agartha : 3.00 EA Hinnom : 3.00 EA Atlantis : 3.00 EA Arcoscephale : 2.50 EA T'ien Ch'i : 2.33 EA Yomi : 2.33 EA Marveni : 2.00 EA Vanheim : 1.50 EA Oceania : 1.33 EA R'lyeh : 1.00 EA Abysia : 1.00 Nieflheim : 1.00 EA Arco : 1.00 EA Tien Chi : 1.00 Kailasa : 1.00 Yomi : 1.00 Helheim : 1.00 EA Rlyeh : 0.50 Mid(89.000000) MA Pythium : 9.00 MA Abysia : 8.00 MA R'lyeh : 6.50 MA Shinuyama : 6.00 MA Jotunheim : 5.50 MA Pangaea : 5.50 MA Ulm : 4.33 MA Ermor : 4.00 MA Mictlan : 4.00 MA Caelum : 3.00 MA Marignon : 2.00 MA Oceania : 2.00 MA C'tis : 2.00 MA Vanheim : 2.00 MA Atlantis : 2.00 Itza : 2.00 MA Bandar Log : 2.00 Vanheim : 2.00 Nehekara : 1.50 MA Machaka : 1.33 MA Man : 1.33 MA Ulm Reborn : 1.00 MA Arcoscephale : 1.00 MA Arga Dis : 1.00 MA Ashdod : 1.00 MA Nehekhara : 1.00 Man : 1.00 Eriu : 1.00 MA Abyssia : 1.00 Pangaea : 1.00 Haida Gwaii : 1.00 Oceania : 1.00 Bretonnia : 1.00 MA T'ien Ch'i : 0.50 MA Agartha : 0.50 Late(59.000000) LA Ermor : 10.00 LA Mictlan : 4.00 LA R'lyeh : 4.00 LA Midgard : 4.00 LA Utgard : 3.50 LA Ulm : 3.50 LA Patala : 3.50 LA T'ien Ch'i : 3.00 LA Jomon : 3.00 LA Agartha : 2.00 LA Marignon : 2.00 LA Pangaea : 2.00 LA Abysia : 2.00 LA Man : 2.00 LA Atlantis : 1.50 LA Ulm Reborn : 1.00 LA Pythium : 1.00 LA Gath : 1.00 LA Bogarus : 1.00 LA Marginon : 1.00 Agartha : 1.00 Jomon : 1.00 Patala : 1.00 Mictlan : 1.00 Hall of Fame 1 - wraithlord 10.00/142 2 - micah 9.00/141 3 - juffos 8.00/101 4 - executor 7.00/104 5 - isokron 7.00/97 6 - earcaraxe 7.00/54 7 - zeldor 6.50/144 8 - psycho 6.50/83 9 - calmon 6.00/82 10- baalz 6.00/67 11- gfsnl 6.00/50 12- squirrelloid 5.50/61 13- amhazair 5.00/92 14- evilhomer 4.00/46 15- kadelake 4.00/45 |
Re: Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II
I need your help plz. Calmon should have 6 wins but I have only 5 games won by him in the DB:
[ Winner: Calmon Game: The Quick and the Dead Game Link: unknown Players: 8 Nation: LA Ermor Mods: unknown Era: LA ] [ Winner: Calmon Game: Faerun MA PBEM Game Link: http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...b=5&o=&fpart=1 Players: 17 Nation: MA Ermor Mods: none Era: MA ] [ Winner: Calmon Game: Consecrated Ground Game Link: http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...b=5&o=&fpart=1 Players: 10 Nation: EA Helheim Mods: Worthy Heroes Era: EA ] [ Winner: calmon Game: Fracture Game Link: http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...=&fpart=1&vc=1 Players: 16 Nation: LA Marignon Mods: Worthy Heroes Era: LA ] [ Winner: Calmon Game: RAND REDUX Game Link: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=39174 Players: 13 Nation: MA Ashdod Mods: CBM Era: MA ] Where is his missing win? |
Re: Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II
maybe he reported it to tyrant directly, or i made a type in his name one time, i think everyone interested should check if his personal victories are listed correctly.
Re: Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II
Winner: Baalz
Game: Blood Red Game Link: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showt...light=Bloodred Players: 10 Nation: Nehekara Mods: CBM 1.6, Skaven, Ogres, Nehekara, Dwarfs, Jomon Broken, Themiskyra, Alugra Era: MA This one is missing. Also, there are two EA Niefelheims in the list :) |
Re: Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 26/04/2010]
OP fixed and updated. Thanks.
Re: Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 26/04/2010]
I don't see all ages Timewarp game where Executor won (don't know if it was osted in the original list).
Re: Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 26/04/2010]
I saw only Kingmaker all age game in the original list.
Care to fill the missing info? link: ? - Players: ? - Nation: ? - Mods: ? |
Re: Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 26/04/2010]
Post 269 in original thread has formatted info.
Re: Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 26/04/2010]
Re: Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 26/04/2010]
And I'll add 2 more which I didn't want to add before because it makes little sense as both games were finished due to exceptional tiredness.
Game: Stasis Era: MA Winners: AdmiralZhao(R'lyeh), ano (Shinuyama), karnoza(Ulm) Mods: Worthy Heroes 1.8 Game: Heracles Era: LA Winners: ano(C'tis), karnoza(Caelum), Dragar(Utgard) Mods: Worthy Heroes 1.8 And thank you, WL, for taking over this work. |
Re: Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 26/04/2010]
Thanks ano.
Could you please post the games in the required format? Winner: Game: Game Link: Players: Nation: Mods: Era: |
Re: Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 26/04/2010]
Re: Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 26/04/2010]
I'm sorry.
Winner: AdmiralZhao, ano, karnoza Game: Stasis Game Link: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=39231 Players: 17 Nation: R'lyeh, Shinuyama, Ulm Mods: Worthy Heroes 1.8 Era: Middle Winner: ano, karnoza, Dragar Game: Heracles Game Link: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=42434 Players: 15 Nation: C'tis, Caelum, Utgard Mods: Worthy Heroes 1.8 Era: Late |
Re: Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 26/04/2010]
OP updated
Re: Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 26/04/2010]
Timewarp is still missing. It was a really epic game and Executor's hard-earned victory definitely should be in HoF :)
Re: Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 26/04/2010]
I had 10 minutes to burn before work, so heres Timewarp in the right format. I have all ages in the era but im not sure you have a category for that in your db.
Winner: Executor Game: Timewarp Game Link: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showt...light=Timewarp Players: 18 Nation: EA C'tis Mods: SingleAgeComplete, Worthy Heroes 1.8 Era: All ages |
Re: Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 26/04/2010]
[ Winner: Executor Game: Timewarp Game Link: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=40841 Players: 18 Nation: EA C'tis Mods: Multi Age,Worthy Heroes Era: all ] |
Re: Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 26/04/2010]
yes. this is probably the thing. I made my parser with 3 ages in mind. I might as well add an "all" age. Hopefully, I'll get to this tomorrow evening.
Thanks for all the helpful input. Between your posts you spotted the missing game, gave me the info in the DB format and found the root cause why it's missing. My, if real product users were so helpful - usually they'll just blame the dev. for everything that's not working ;) |
Re: Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 26/04/2010]
You sure those should be reported at all? There are [were, clam times] so many games that ended in draws because people got tired. Getting people/nations like 0.33 wins sounds pointless. With only 2 people left [out of bigger pool] it may make sense to give them 0.5. |
Re: MP Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 27/04/2010
Added new all age section to HoF.
All age games should have 'all' era. Updated OP. |
Re: MP Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 27/04/2010
You're right, although OTOH people made much investment in the game, plans etc, devoted much time to it and survived till the end. Is it worth some part of a win point? I think yes. So let these games be here. They both were good and dramatic. |
Re: MP Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 27/04/2010
Oh are we updating this ...
huh.. cool.. has the Nav game been entered? |
Re: MP Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 27/04/2010
Re: MP Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 27/04/2010
Winner: Squirrelloid and Valerius (Tie)
Game: Cripplefight 2: The Lamepire Strikes Back Game Link: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=44283 Players: 8 Nation: EA Ermor / EA TNN Mods: CBM 1.6 Era: All-Ages (I know I posted this in the old thread, but it was among the last posts and it doesn't appear to have been added to the database) |
Re: MP Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 27/04/2010
Cripplefight 2 is in the db as the following entry. And it is the last entry of the db.
[ Winner: Squirrelloid,Valerius Game: Cripple Fight 2 Game Link: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=44283 Players: 8 Nation: EA Ermor,EA Tir na n'Og Mods: CBM,Multi Age Era: All ] |
Re: MP Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 27/04/2010
But then we'd have to put here tens of games that ended this way. No one even bothered to report them. No one even bothered declaring top remaining players as victorious. As there was no victory. No one was able to win, nothing to talk about. And yeah, I also hate getting nothing for 50 or more turns of hard work. And games ends because people turn AI or cannot handle all that clam madness. |
Re: MP Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 27/04/2010
We're observing this from different points. I just want these game not be wasted and forgotten. They both were really good and interesting. I don't aim for getting these 0.66 points at all - I could easily end at least one of them in my favor if I wanted, but I didn't, - but by mentioning them here I just want them to be remembered somehow by people who participated. Nothing more. As I mentioned above, I didn't post them before due to your reasons but after WL introduced this db-maintained HoF, I don't think it's bad if they are here I don't think this is a correct thread for discussions so if you have something to add, please PM me. |
Re: MP Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 27/04/2010
I'm not saying that it should not be listed. But I wouldn't call it wins for players or nations. We can just have separate section for that, not counting towards anything. Otherwise it would be changing rules of HoF now. And people could start digging out games and declaring 0.33 wins etc. I'd find 3 or 4 games like that. And yeah, enough talking, HoF maintainer should decide about it really :) |
Re: MP Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 27/04/2010
Well, IMO a 2 man tie should count as win when each player get 0.5 points.
On the rarest of occasions, like on huge maps, a 3 man tie should count as well as win More than 3 way tie shouldn't count at all as win and should probably not be reported as well. Now, since the first and third sentences were definitives while the 2nd is not and can cause lot's of discussions and arguments I suggest we just stick to a simple rule re. ties: 2 man ties count towards victory while 3 or more man ties should only be listed but not counted as victories. There's an added benefit to this rule - more incentive for players to actually finish a game rather than end it by a coalition. ano, most likely you'll disagree with me. That's ok since I'm not really adamant on this. As far as I care we can do it your way or Zeldor's way (although I'm personally leaning more towards Zeldor's view). Anyway, perhaps you can post a poll that presents this dilemma so we can see what the community thinks. If the majority of the players agree with you then naturally I'll maintain the HoF that way. I'll do so although I think this may have a negative effect on future games - like "oh, let's work the four of us together to eliminate all else; good, they're all gone, now what?- Fight it out?- Nah, let's just call it a tie and start a new game hehe" ;) Oh and I'm not at all implying the games you reported were anything of this sort. I know how good & competitive a player you are. I'm only presenting my concern of possible future multi-tie-spam games. Or perhaps I'm just being paranoid :) |
Re: MP Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 27/04/2010
Ok, WL, you have the point. Remove these games :)
Re: MP Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 27/04/2010
Possibly the absolute best ladder would be the same mirrored map used for 2-player king-of-the-hill dueling games with settings to remove as many randoms as possible, probably using the balance mod. And possibly the worst would be team games on really large maps where the winner simply has the most patience with micromanagment, possibly using some of the.. well.. opposite of balance mods.
There are varied opinions as far as what constitutes a "proper Dom3 game" or what it was "meant to be" as far as game type, winning conditions, map size, number of players, mods, etc. So is this a ladder thread? Or a thread for all dom3 games? Does winning any dom3 game of any settings count as winning a Dom3 game? Or is it going to be only certain types? vanilla or mod? king of the hill or vp? single, tie, or team? large-map (MM) games and single age excluded? direct or pbem? only on official servers (often a requirement in ladders). And after all these years, would a tight definition show us anything new? |
Re: MP Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 27/04/2010
Well, the HoF is certainly not a ladder. It is a continuation of Tyrant's HoF according to the guidelines that he set in place. Not ideal, but rather a compromise between different extremes.
Basically, nations and players that won games get credit for that. As I see it, this HoF doesn't presume to reflect different aspects of player's proficiency. |
Re: MP Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 27/04/2010
Thank you for that. Personally I think thats what I would like to see it be.
But I will say that if anyone DOES want to do a ladder of some sort, I am willing to provide hosting and server space to such a project. |
Re: Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II
Winner: Calmon Game: Eventide Game Link: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?p=489452 Players: 18 Nation: LA Marginon Mods: none Era: LA ] Just because I retired don't take my wins :p Good to see you all still active here! |
Re: MP Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 27/04/2010
I have an idea, why don't you un-retire and grab some more wins :p Oh and I'll update the DB with your lost, now found win. |
Re: MP Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 27/04/2010
Mists of Time went a bloody 10 months before TwoBits was unanimously declared victor by the remaining players. I didn't realize no one ever left an entry for that game here.
[ Winner: TwoBits Game: Mists of Time Game Link: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=43179 Players: 21 Nation: EA Pangaea Mods: none Era: EA ] |
Re: MP Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 9/5/2010]
OP updated.
Re: MP Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 9/5/2010]
Quitti won Warcry, btw. Not sure why he did not post here.
Re: MP Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 9/5/2010]
The game Rattllehead has ended. Dark Kitty has been declared winner by the last 3 players, with no discussion, at turn 110. It was a newbie game. There was no mod, map Urraparrand.
[ Winner: Dark Kitty Game: Rattlehead Game Link: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=44695 Players: 10 Nation: MA Shinuyama Mods: none Era: MA ] |
Winner: Mardagg Game: CasualEA Game Link: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=44177 Players: 9 Nation: EA Agartha Mods: none Era: EA ] Thanks WL for this. Hope to see you in a game soon;) |
Re: MP Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 9/5/2010]
Re: MP Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 9/5/2010]
Re: MP Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 27/04/2010
BTW, I'm pretty sure there were some basic mods - CBM 1.? and Standards & Streamers, I think? |
Re: MP Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 9/5/2010]
Many thanks to Radiogibbon for admin'n and ano for running those last 5 turns when the wife was ready to kill me..
-ssj [ Winner: sansanjuan Game: Thunderdome Game Link: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=44282 Players: 17 Nation: MA Pythium Mods: CBM 1.6 Era: MA ] |
Re: MP Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 20/5/2010]
OP updated.
Mardagg, same here. YARG3 maybe? :) |
Re: MP Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 20/5/2010]
Ahh yes, we used CBM 1.5 in Mists of Time. I think we did wind up using Standards and Streamers too although I'm not positive about that.
Re: MP Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 20/5/2010]
Winner: Micah Game: Land Rand Game Link: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=44017 Players: 18 Nation: MA Jotunheim Mods: CBM 1.6 Era: MA ] |
Re: MP Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 20/5/2010]
Winners: Baalz, DrPraetorious, fungalreason, Krauser Game: RAFT3 Game Link: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=44566 Players: 18 Nations: LA Caelum, LA Mictlan, LA Midgard Mods: CBM 1.6 Era: LA ] |
Re: MP Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 20/5/2010]
Team game? You missed one nation then :) |
Re: MP Victorious Nations/Hall of Honor II [Update 20/5/2010]
DrP. Is it a 4-way tie or a team game?
According to previous discussion in this thread 4-way ties will not be factored in HoF - so no 1/4 wins... If it's a team game then players names should be separated with '&' not ',' that's how the report generator makes the distinction. |
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