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Legendary Ordeals - Isokron Wins!
2 Attachment(s)
Game is up on llamaserver!
PANTOKRATOR: -> Will start in a island in the middle of the map with no neighbours -> Attacking Pantokrator's provinces is not allowed unless otherwise stated -> Will have the "Eyes of God" casted from turn 2 with ridicilious amount of gems. Casting the "Fate of Oedipus" is forbidden ORDEALS -> Ordeal will come each 5 turns. These ordeals can be nearly anything. Commencing of Arena, Demands for sacrifice, castings of certain globals (like Ghost Armada or the Kindly Ones) or the release of wild beasts. Some ordeals can be positive. These events will be annoying, but not gamebreaking. I'll also be sure that the events are fair, in the sense they will either affect all players equally or have an equal chance of affecting of each player (in the case of an ordeal that hits a random province). -> I will give a RP description of the Ordeal in-game, but post a "gameplay" version using metagame terms here in this thread. GENERAL -> Because there is a hard-coded limit on messages that one is able to send per turn, I will keep in-game messaging to a minimum. I'll inform of Ordeals with the "Message all command", thought. So I'm forced to do a lot of my diplo through these forums. So remember to check your PM's regularly! -> I'd like everyone to note that I'm playing two roles here. I'm Burnsaber, the game admin, but I'm also Pantokrator. Note that these are not the same thing. Pantokrator has no grudges that Burnsaber has, for example. In return, you should not hold grudges against Burnsaber for what Pantokrator has done. When I'm talking as Burnsaber, I'll just use this regular text. But Pantokrator speaks like this: Quote:
BOONS -> Boon is a numeric value between 1-12. Starting boon values in this game are between 4-10. -> Players can only request one boon per "event cycle" (aka 5 turns), this is to prevent a player suddenly jumping in power because they used 5 boons in one big swoop. -> There are five (now six) types of boons (more will be introduced with ordeals, thought): 1. Items 2. Gems 3. Gold 4. Information 5. Casting of a Ritual Spell 6. Starting Arena Deathmatch (enabled since turn 13), this costs two boon and can only be used once per event cycle. -> The more specific the reguest for a boon is, the less gems/items/gold will be given or more boon will be penalized. For example; "I'd like magical items as a boon to defeat my foes!" - Will get a bunch of randomized items. Something like 2 trinkets, 2 (con2) items and 1 (con4) item + a chance for a con6 item. "I'd like items that give fire resistance to defeat Abysia!" - Will get some FR items, but less items than the above example "I want Rings of Fire!" - Will get his Rings, but it will cost more boon because of his insolence. How dare he demand something from Pantokrator! -> Once per event cycle, I will roll for a random player and grant him a boon. This "extra boon" does not count towards the limit stated above. This will make it harder to be "safe" with just 1 boon. -> If player reguests for a boon or would get one due to the RND roll, but has no boon, he will be warned. Should this happen again, he will be smitten by appropiate measures (nothing too dramatic thought, getting smitten will be annoying, not game changing) -> The tables I use to determine the amount of gems/items/gold for each boon will be upgraded every 20 turns to yield out more stuff. -> Due to message limit, I'm only able to send 20 messages (a'k'a instances of items/gems/gold) per turn. If I'm going to hit the message limit, I'll leave the rest to be sent the next turn. -> If the request for a boon is too outrageous (like requesting for a RoW's and other high end items or high end remote rituals), I will grant a random boon instead (with the penalty boon normally associated with "specific requests"). "Insolent Fool, you know nothing! Here is what you shall receive!". Note though that I will upgrade the boon tables every 20 turns. A reguest that would be "outrageous" on turn 16 might be reasonable on turn 66. ARENA -> We are using "Mark of the Champion" mod, which changes the Champion's Tridents into a special helmet, this will make it a much more worthile item. Also having control over the Arena Champion is worth one conquest point, if the champion in question has no magic picks (holy magic does not count as "magic" for this purpose). -> Winning the arena is always worth 1 bonus boon. Settings Era: All Players: As many as possible, hopefully at least 9 land players and 2 water player. We can fit 10 land and 2 water players (not counting the Pantokrator) Settings: Renaming on, HoF 15, otherwise normal for MA Mods: Compilation mod from this post and the single-age mod. Diplomacy: 1) Machievellian. The Pantokrator will be pleased by blood and (in-character) drama. Map: Land of Ordeals, downloadable from this post. Other rules 1) Don't be an smartass and attack Pantokrator. It will not end well. 2) No filling of enemy labs or copying Bogus orders. Everything else is free game. 3) You can contact Pantokrator by forum PM's, e-mail to "burnsaber (at) hotmail (dot) com" or occasionally in IrC. 4) Fight to the bitter end! Or at least try to find a sub if you're not having fun or have the time anymore. 5) Upon sign up, you must write the word "Pantokrator" in your sign-up post (no context needed) or your sign up will be ignored until you do so. Consider this as a test for me to know that you have read the rules and understand what you are signing up for. Hosting: hosting will be slower than normal for this game, to give me the time I need to prepare for events and to deal with reguests for boons. 30h for turns 1-25 48h for turns 26-60 72h after turn 60 Delays granted on request. Victory Condition: 1) Holding control over 5 "Conquest Points" for 3 consecutive turns - Each capitol you control is worth a Conquest Point - Having control of the Arena Champion is also worth a conquest point, if the champion has no magic picks. - Conquest points can also be awarded from ordeals 2) Concensus from other players ------------------Players and their Conquest Points------------------ 1. Burnsaber -- Pantokrator (admin) -- 0, cannot win 2. Trumanator -- LA C'tis -- 0 (IN TARTARUS) 3. Gregstrom -- MA R'lyeh -- 1 4. slMagnvox -- EA Ulm -- 0 (IN TARTARUS) 5. pyg -- EA Hinnom -- 0 (IN TARTARUS) 6. Aethyr -- EA T'ien C'hi -- 1 7. Lingchih -- MA Shinuyama -- 0 (IN TARTARUS) 8. Meglobob -- MA T'ien C'hi -- 3 (three capitals) 9. Kianduatha -- LA Jomon -- 1 10. Isokron -- EA Lanka -- 5 (five capitals) 11. Baalz (AI) -- LA Atlantis -- 1 (one capitals) 12. Sensori -- MA Ashdod -- 0 (IN TARTARUS) 13. GameExtremist -- EA Panganea -- 0 (IN TARTARUS) Special thanks to vladikus and Agema for the mod and the idea. |
Re: Legendary Ordeals - Recruiting
Oh great and lordly Pantokrator, this humble one pleads admission to this mighty contest as lord of the Ilithid hordes of R'lyeh, custodians of the Fallen Star.
If I might be so bold, could I also beg that the mods Holy War and Magic Sites be included? |
Re: Legendary Ordeals - Recruiting
This amuses us, Pantokrator!
Please include Enigma of Steel Ulm to the rolls! |
Re: Legendary Ordeals - Recruiting
I'd like play. This sounds really cool concept wise and pretty crazy in terms of the modding.
I'd be happy to play with any/all of the mods suggested. I particularly like CPCS, Holy War, and Thugs. I'd like to play Hinnom, because currently I'm just in love with this nation. I think Hinnom is one of the heavywieghts and am aware that just by choosing it I will probably invoke the wrath of the Pantokrator, or at least not his favor. If all the players agreed to it, it might be interesting to post one of the Pantokrator's .trns (several to many turns old) every so often. This might be interesting to non-players as well. |
Re: Legendary Ordeals - Recruiting
Interesting idea...hard to resist. I'll play. I'll choose a nation in a bit and inform the Pantokrator.
Re: Legendary Ordeals - Recruiting
I want Ashdod.
It will be my 3d MP, 2 others are just started as well, so it will not be hard to balance :) |
Re: Legendary Ordeals - Recruiting
Hinnom and Ashdod in the same game? How odd. How will they work out their differences.
But no CBM? That seems foolish. |
Re: Legendary Ordeals - Recruiting
Also, I'd like to specify a bit what the "boon" system entails. I'm currently in the process of creating charts which will state how many gems/items or gold I will give in each boon. Since I'm a tabletop RPG veteran, many different kind dice will be rolled to determine the final amount and type.
The more specific the reguest for a boon is, the less gems/items/gold will be given or more boon will be penalized. For example; "I'd like magical items as a boon to defeat my foes!" - Will get a bunch of randomized items. Something like 2 trinkets, 2 (con2) items and 1 (con4) item + a chance for a con6 item. "I'd like items that give fire resistance to defeat Abysia!" - Will get some FR items, but less items than the above example "I want Rings of Fire!" - Will get his Rings, but it will cost more boon because of his insolence. How dare he demand something from Pantokrator! I'll also document each boon I give and release the charts & information at the end of the game. I'm also going to make a plan of what each ordeal entails before the game starts. This is for fairness's sake, so that the events in the game won't affect the ordeals. Quote:
Re: Legendary Ordeals - Recruiting
Re: Legendary Ordeals - Recruiting
Gack!. Give me Shin. I don't have time for this game, but I can't resist it.
Pantokrator be damned. |
Re: Legendary Ordeals - Recruiting
Re: Legendary Ordeals - Recruiting
Should resist joining but unusual settings too tempting...:doh:
Oh great and mighty Panktokrator can you grant your humble servant MA T'ien C'hi? I like all your mod selections except banning spells, why bother when playing with CBM? |
Re: Legendary Ordeals - Recruiting
Pantokrator :)
Re: Legendary Ordeals - Recruiting
I'll take EA TC. Thanks
Re: Legendary Ordeals - Recruiting
Now this is just getting silly. To continue the trend of people picking earlier/later ages of the same nations, I'll go for Jomon.
Most honored Pantokrator, would you be so kind as to use CPCS? |
Re: Legendary Ordeals - Recruiting
Re: Legendary Ordeals - Recruiting
Thank you o wise and powerful Pantokrator, we would not want to be confused with our inferior followers from a later age.
Re: Legendary Ordeals - Recruiting
To avoid giving our hardworking pantokrator any more multiage confusion I will take Lanka.
Re: Legendary Ordeals - Recruiting
What a neat idea. All kinds of cool ordeals come to mind, with varying levels of cooperation needed from neighbors/Pantokrator:
Walk Upon Burning Coals Win a battle under the Heat from Hell BE. Leap of Faith Cloud trapeze/teleport a commander into a specific province and survive the ensuing battle. Wrestle a Gator Have an un-equiped commander kill a Bog Beast in melee combat. The Ring of Fire Conquer a province using only Fire Bolas. No damage of any other kind is permitted. Tame a Lion Obtain a Kithaironic Lion by whatever means possible. Swim Shark Infested Waters Have a non-amphibious commander survive combat under the Shark Attack BE. Oh, and he's gotta kill at least 1 shark. Baptism by Fire Kill a Fire Elemental with an indy priest. 40 Days and 40 Nights Defeat an enemy army with nothing but starving units. Vision Quest Traverse a lone commander to a distant province, and have him return safely home. Climb the Highest Peak Obtain a fortress in a true mountain province. Save a Virgin Defeat an enemy such that at least 1 of his blood slaves is left on the field. Slay a Dragon Self explanatory. Drakes don't count. :D |
Re: Legendary Ordeals - Recruiting
Arr, I reckon its about high time for LA Atlantis to rack up a win for the hall of fame and these be pirate toads. Hide yer booty boys, as I'm taking to the seas and none of your holds or womenfolk are safe. I intend to be the next Pantokrator and shall build fresh ships from the bones of these presumptuous giants. At the risk of sounding like a boot licking land lubber I must say I'm impressed with the Pantokrators cleverness, this will be a contest to remember!
Re: Legendary Ordeals. Recruiting (1 land player and 1 water player)
Something tells me the seas are going to be crowded.
Re: Legendary Ordeals. Recruiting (1 land player and 1 water player)
Where is my Ashdod, o , Mighty Pantokrator?
Re: Legendary Ordeals. Recruiting (1 land player and 1 water player)
Burnsaber... I'd like to notice that Holy War, idea of which is really great (it's so painful to have ) rebalance the game quite strong ,and some nations which have best priests get a really good boost by this mode. If all games you boon base on, would be played with this mod, we would have a very different statistics. What do you think?
Re: Legendary Ordeals. Recruiting (1 land player and 1 water player)
I'm not Lingchic, btw, Burn, I'm Lingchih.
Sticks and Stones will break your bones...
"...we sing the funniest love songs
to everyone we meet.... HEY HEY we're Bandar Log People say our PD sucks we're too busy-a sing'n to put anybody down..." Bandar please (but don't tell the wife I joined another game) -ssj |
Re: Legendary Ordeals. Recruiting (1 land player and 1 water player)
And I vote for CPCS, btw, would be fun to try it. The game is going to be quite Crazy anyway, so it will just add some new feelings :)
Re: Legendary Ordeals. Full (Organizing)
The forests are the natural place for the next Pantokrator to be born and thus EA Pangaea shall take part in this contest of Pantokratoredness.
Re: Sticks and Stones will break your bones...
Okay, the game is full. As soon as I get home on Monday, I'll finish up the list of Ordeals and then start working up the finishing ouches to the map and mod. And, since we only got 1,5 water players, I'll set four UW provinces as "low population" (and #nostart). This should give the UW players less of an ecomonic advantage. Also, I decided to incorporate the "Mark of the Champion" mod into this game. It basically changes the "Champion's Trident" into a helmet, making it a lot more worthwhile item to have. I'm also thinking of enforcing a rule of "no-mages" (priests okay thought) when it comes into arena fights, to prevent obvious chassises from dominating it. Opinions? On the mod front, this the current tally up (with 12 players a mod needs 6 or more votes for it. Negative vote counteracts a positive vote): Code:
Holy War +(pyg) +(gregstrom) +(Meglobob) (+++) Quote:
The current scheducle of the game: Monday: Ordeals Done, present final rules. Wednesday: Map and mod done, game up on llamaserver. Saturday-Sunday: Start, if all pretenders are in.. |
Re: Sticks and Stones will break your bones...
ssj |
Re: Legendary Ordeals. Full (Organizing)
The salty dogs oh Atlantis be requestin some bottles o' grog as a boon from the Pantokrator, fer we're ready to hit the waves in search oh booty. We be needing some fresh hold slaves and seems giants would pull a fine oar. Or old Crusty Pete's been nagging me to get him a lizard cabin boy for years so maybe we'll be visitin the swamps. Then again, I have quite a taste for pickled squid monsters, I wonder what kind of bait to use on that hook...
Re: Legendary Ordeals. Full (Organizing)
Squid bait? Use clams. The squids are suffering serious withdrawal symptoms.
Re: Legendary Ordeals. Full (Organizing)
I would like to add my vote for the following mods:
Holy War CPCS FW Thugs Magic site mod Standards & Streamers |
Re: Legendary Ordeals. Full (Organizing)
Mark of the Champion DBS (mod that disables game-winning bonus sites) and a GM mod
-links to these mods pls? |
Re: Legendary Ordeals. Full (Organizing)
Well Mister Pantokrator, if your passing grog out the fellas here in Hinnom could stand a drop. The weather has been a bit hot lately and little grog would be fine... sure do appreciate how the slaves dress this time of year. We are not so sure about our abilities at oar pulling but we got Ed practicing right now with arms and legs. Speaking of, it's dinner time!
Re: Legendary Ordeals. Full (Organizing)
DBS: Just disables some sites so that they cannot be randomly generated. If you want to download it, just follow my signature link. From the mod description: "This mod disables vanilla school bonus sites, which possess at least one of the following: Alteration or Construction bonus of any level, Conjuration or Blood bonus of over 20, or other school bonus over 30." GM mod: Is a special mod that grants the Pantokrator player free wishes, obsence summons and the like. It only affects me, so it's not that important for testing. |
Re: Legendary Ordeals. Full (Organizing)
Holy War -
CPCS + (said earlier) FW Thugs - Magic site mod - Banned Spells + |
Re: Legendary Ordeals. Full (Organizing)
Holy War - yes
CPCS - yes FW Thugs - yes Magic site mod - yes Standards & Streamers - yes |
Re: Legendary Ordeals. Full (Organizing)
The leaders of Shinuyama were gripped by fervent fevers, when last they posted. Of course we do not damn the Pantokrater, but embrace him, and all that he does while he remains in this world.
Re: Legendary Ordeals. Full (Organizing)
Okay, I've listed up the Ordeals. If I find willing 3rd parties, I might show them off to make sure that they are "fair".
I also updated the rules in the first post. I've put everything new below; ORDEALS -> Ordeal will come every 5 turns. (One in 1st turn, one in 6th, one in 11th, and so forth) -> I will give a RP description of the Ordeal in-game, but post a "gameplay" version using metagame terms here in this thread. GENERAL -> Because there is a hard-coded limit on messages that one is able to send per turn, I will keep in-game messaging to a minimum. I'll inform of Ordeals with the "Message all command", thought. So I'm forced to do a lot of my diplo through these forums. So remember to check your PM's regularly! -> I'd like everyone to note that I'm playing two roles here. I'm Burnsaber, the game admin, but I'm also Pantokrator. Note that these are not the same thing. Pantokrator has no grudges that Burnsaber has, for example. In return, you should not hold grudges against Burnsaber for what Pantokrator has done. When I'm talking as Burnsaber, I'll just use this regular text. But Pantokrator speaks like this: Quote:
BOONS -> Boon is a numeric value between 1-12. Starting boon values in this game are between 4-10. -> Players can only request one boon per "event cycle" (aka 5 turns), this is to prevent a player suddenly jumping in power because they used 5 boons in one big swoop. -> There are five types of boons (more will be introduced with ordeals, thought): 1. Items 2. Gems 3. Gold 4. Information 5. Casting of a Ritual Spell -> The more specific the reguest for a boon is, the less gems/items/gold will be given or more boon will be penalized. For example; "I'd like magical items as a boon to defeat my foes!" - Will get a bunch of randomized items. Something like 2 trinkets, 2 (con2) items and 1 (con4) item + a chance for a con6 item. "I'd like items that give fire resistance to defeat Abysia!" - Will get some FR items, but less items than the above example "I want Rings of Fire!" - Will get his Rings, but it will cost more boon because of his insolence. How dare he demand something from Pantokrator! -> Once per event cycle, I will roll for a random player and grant him a boon. This "extra boon" does not count towards the limit stated above. This will make it harder to be "safe" with just 1 boon. -> If player reguests for a boon or would get one due to the RND roll, but has no boon, he will be warned. Should this happen again, he will be smitten by appropiate measures (nothing too dramatic thought, getting smitten will be annoying, not game changing) -> The tables I use to determine the amount of gems/items/gold for each boon will be upgraded every 20 turns to yield out more stuff. -> Due to message limit, I'm only able to send 20 messages (a'k'a instances of items/gems/gold) per turn. If I'm going to hit the message limit, I'll leave the rest to be sent the next turn. ARENA -> We are using "Mark of the Champion" mod, which changes the Champion's Trident into a special helmet, this will make it a much more wortwhile item. Also having control over the Arena Champion is worth one conquest point, if the champion in question has no magic picks (holy magic does not count as "magic" for this purpose). |
Re: Legendary Ordeals. Full (Organizing)
I would be interested in being a willing 3rd party in reviewing some of the ordeals.
Re: Legendary Ordeals. Full (Organizing)
I'm wondering if it might be good to have a limited set of rituals that can be requested as there are some really, really game changing stuff that otherwise opens up - like calling for an earth attack as you see somebody's pretender out site searching turn 5, or volcano eruptions on peoples cap or undoubtedly dozens of other nasty stuff that people will think of which are really not balanced to be dropped early.
Also, as you've implied that its possible to request specific items it might be a good idea to restrict a few of them like rings of wizardry, robe of the magi, elemental staffs, um maybe staff of storms. Even some lower research items might be a problem like soul contracts. Basically seems like boons should add some flavor but not really be game changers. Might be easy enough just to play it by ear and have the big guy fairly arbitrarily deny any request that seems likely to foul the whole contest he's running. Foolish peon! You must win this contest on your own strengths! |
Re: Legendary Ordeals. Full (Organizing)
Maerlande has looked over the Ordeals and agreed with them once I did some small changes. It is my sole intention that the boons and ordeals will be a "spice" in this game, not the main course. They alone will in no case determine the winner. |
Re: Legendary Ordeals. Full (Organizing)
Wouldn't it be better for a arena victory to grant an extra boon instead of a conquest points? Otherwise the first tournaments wouldn't be worth very much but the later might decide the game.
Re: Legendary Ordeals. Full (Organizing)
How about both, then? It'd be quite fun to see the arena properly contested.
Re: Legendary Ordeals. Full (Organizing)
Hmm, also seems like winning via holding the arena champ would necessitate winning with him, then winning again as someone almost certainly would use boon to call for another arena fight in the 3 turns you've got to hold him. Still, winning while holding just 3 extra caps is a fairly low bar that might end the game just when things are getting interesting, maybe one more VP required for the win since it seems likely the winner will have the arena champ.
Re: Legendary Ordeals. Full (Organizing)
Some ideas....
ORDEALS can be like quest, and as reword for it's completion, you can get direct - item, etc or indirect (boon points, which reflect how Pantokrator treats specific nation and then how it affects all future boons to this player) benefit. And they could be of different level of complexity ,and reward will be different. In this case, Pantokrator would be able to give larger range of boons , for example HINNOM asks for HARD ORDEAL, saying I need something to swim for my army. That can be pretty good for Hinnom, if his capital has 2-3 water provinces around, and some dimoplacy...Anyway it can be gamechanging to give him that. So, understanding it (or just to improve quality of items, for example completed Easy ordeal gives lvl 0 item, normal lvl 2, hard level 4, impossible level 6 an it should depand on how easy or hard this ordeal for THIS SPEcific player, and how useful could be such iem for him). Rejection ot inability to complete it (for example - impossible ordeal can be - to get by war some provinces which are belong to stronger neighbor) can have or not have consiquences, regarding of Pantokrator decision. Anyway, having a connection between ordeals and boons and ability to choose between levels of complexity would be good. It shouldn't be like negotiations, though. Just player prays for what he wants - gift? Gift with easy ordeal(hoping to get better gift)? just ordeal to improve relations with god? For example, I finished a war and would like to devote the next war to my god, what should I do? |
Re: Legendary Ordeals. Full (Organizing)
I'm not even sure if anyone will ever recieve the conquest point from the having the champion, because of the no-magic restriction. You only need one guy to bring along something like a Tart, Rudra or national high end mage to make all Bane Lords and the like simply evaraporate. Also, after a certain point, players will be able to use boon to start the arena deathmatch (sorry about the spoiler, but it is necessary for this discussion). So basically, it will be very easy to take someone's Arena VP away. (reguest for the Arena and decimate the winner with a mage) Although, I must say that I'm not the most experienced player in this game, so I might be missing something here in my logic. The conquest point from Arena can be replaced if players feel that it should go. Quote:
Re: Legendary Ordeals. Full (Organizing)
Sorry for not responding sooner, but I wanted to read your post with tought, been busy lately.
Hence, I rely on charts and dice instead of me. Charts and dice are fair 100%, I'm like only 90-95% fair at best. My years as a tabletop GM have taught me it's really easy to subconsiously make decisions that favour some player more than another, no matter how fair you are determined to be. Quote:
Re: Legendary Ordeals. Full (Organizing)
Game is up on llamaserver!
Mod is downloadable from first post. Only CPCS made it through the voting. If you are not familiar with it, see this thread for complete list of spells it adds. Map is downloadable from first post. I added fixed starts that are relatively fair (or at least more fair than random ones). I also fixed one port which seemed to lack port connections. Arena rules & the amount of CP's needed for win are still contested, but otherwise the rules for the game are quite final. |
Re: Legendary Ordeals. Full (Organizing)
I had to revise the mod and the map, twice, in order to work around the retarted version of single-age mod that llamaserver is using. If you downloaded any older versions, please download the new version and delete the old ones.
Basically I had to make my modded "pantokrator" nation overwrite Ma Man before llamaserver could accept it. |
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