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Historical Theatre of Operation: Locations
Historical Theatre of Operation: Locations, Friendly Bases, Hostile Bases, major operations, major battles
Here we should try to collect information regarding the primary theatre of operations during the Vietnam war. we should try to connect major battles/operations as well different map/landscapes for additional diversity in the map designing (Jungle, city, mountain etc...) |
Re: Historical Theatre of Operation: Locations
Trying to simplify things the best, there were 3 major theater of operations during Vietnam:
-The Demilitarized Zone and the northern provinces of Quang Tri (Khe Sanh, Rockpile, Con Thien) and Thua Thien (A Shau, Song Bo, Street without Joy, Hu�) -The Highlands (Pleiku and Kontum provinces mainly with such battlefields as the Ia Drang, Se Sanh, Nam Sathay and Plei Trap valleys and the Dak To area) -The Saigon region (Iron Triangle, War Zones C and D, Rung Sat, Route 13...) That's where most of the fighting occured. Three other areas saw prolonged confrontation too but were of slightly lesser importance: -Southern I CTZ between Da Nang and Quang Ngai -The Central Coast between Qui Nonh and Cam Ranh Bay -The Mekong Delta (IV Corps) http://www.army.mil/cmh-pg/books/Vie...ility/map1.gif |
Re: Historical Theatre of Operation: Locations
Please, could you (or anyone else) create a list that will include/connect the major battles/operations with the theatre of operations/geographical locations? thanks, |
Re: Historical Theatre of Operation: Locations
Sure, what about a chronological list of major operations by Corps? would that be ok?
Re: Historical Theatre of Operation: Locations
Yes, this should be sufficient for the moment.
Try to include the major battles and operations! I guess that in each theatre of operations we may include a couple of historical battles. thanks, |
Re: Historical Theatre of Operation: Locations
Please could you make a detailed list of the activity of the 1st Cavalry Division http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif thanks, |
Re: Historical Theatre of Operation: Locations
I can, it's gonna take a bit though, the Cav participated in lots of ops.
1st Cav, 1965 Operations
Arrival Dates:
11 Sep. HQ 1st Cav Div; 227th Avn Bn (AH) and 228th Avn Bn (ASH); 1/21 Art (105H) 12 Sep. HQ 1st, 2nd and 3rd Bdes/1 Cav Div; 1/77 Art (105H); 2/17 Art (105H) 13 Sep. 229th Avn Bn (AH); 2/20 Art (Aerial Rocket) 15 Sep. 1/9 Air Cav; 1/5, 2/5, 1/7, 2/7, 1/8, 2/8, 1/12, 2/12 Cav [Ambl Inf]; 2/19 Art 19 Nov. 8th Engr Bn (1st Cav) SEPTEMBER: 28 Sep.-13 Nov. Op.Good Friend II/Sayonara,1st Cav; 1st Bde, 101st; 2/7 Marines; 22nd ARVN search and destroy, area and route security for Capitol ROK Division deployement between Qui Nonh and Binh Khe OCTOBER: 1-9 Oct. Op.Red Bayonnet, 3d Bde, 1st Cav security along Highway 19 3-14 Oct. Op.Shiny Bayonet, 1/7, 2/7, 2/12 (1st Cav), VNMC search and destroy in Soui Ca Valley-Deo Mang pass-Binh Khe area 6 Oct.-19 Nov. Op.Happy Valley I & II, 1/5, 2/5, 1/7, 2/12 Cav pacification in Vinh Thanh Valley 9 Oct.-1 Nov. Op.Cobra/Settlement, 2d Bde, 1st Cav security along Highway 19 in Binh Dinh 10-14 Oct. Op.Concord, 3d Bde, 1st Cav search and destroy in Binh Dinh 14-17 Oct. Op.Lonesome End, 1/8, 2/8 (1st Cav) Highway and area security in Binh Dinh, Mang Yang Pass 19 Oct. The Ia Drang Valley campaign begins when the 33rd NVA Regt attacked the SF camp at Plei Me about 25 miles southwest of Pleiku. This was Phase I of the NVA Field Front battle plan called the Tay Nguyen Campaign. The goal was not to sieze terrain, only to destroy Allied forces. The NVA put Plei Me under siege with the 33rd NVA Regt and laid an ambush with the 32nd NVA Regt to the ARVN relief units. The A-217 SF Det had a large combat patrol sweeping an area nine miles from the camp but still had a good security force of two CIDG companies in the camp. At 2200 the NVA overran the southern outpost and a fierce mortar and recoilless rifle barrage ripped through the camp. 20 Oct. Plei Me reinforced with Project Delta and 81st ARVN Abn Rgr 23 Oct.-26 Nov. Op. Long Reach 1st Cav search and destroy in Ia Drang Valley (Includes Ops All the Way and Silver Bayonet I & II) 23 Oct.-9 Nov. Op. All the Way, 1/8, 2/8, 1/12, 2/12 (1st Cav), 3rd ARVN Arm Cav, 1/42, 21st and 22nd Rgr Bns (relief force) search and destroy around Plei Me. NOVEMBER: 1 Nov. 1/12 and 2/12 Cav battle around NVA Regt 33 field Hospital, 8km W of Plei Me (Op. All the Way) 3 Nov. B/1/9 Cav ambushes 8/66 NVA near cambodian border, killing 73 (Op. All the Way) 6 Nov. Battle of LZ Wing (Op. All the Way) 2/8 Cav battle 6/33 NVA Regt 10-20 Nov. Op. Silver Bayonet I, 1/5, 2/5, 1/7, 2/7, 2/12 Cav pursuit in Ia Drang valley/Chu Prong. 10-13 Nov. Op.Hop Out, 1/7 Cav search and destroy in Ia Drang 12 Nov. VC attack on LZ Stadium (Catecka) 14-15 Nov. Op.Corn, 2/12 Cav search and destroy in Binh Dinh 14-16 Nov. Battle of LZ X-Ray. 1/7, 2/7, 2/5 battle the whole NVA Regt 66 (Op. Silver Bayonet I) 17 Nov. Battle of LZ Albany (Op. Silver Bayonet I), 2/7 Cav ambushed by 8/66 NVA 18 Nov. 1/5 Cav battles for LZ Columbus (Op. Silver Bayonet I) 21-26 Nov. Op. Silver Bayonet II, 1/5, 2/5, 1/8, 1/9, 2/12 Cav pursuit of Ia Drang campaign. DECEMBER: 3-7 Dec. Op.Clean House, 1st Cav, Capitol ROK, 22nd ARVN clear and secure near Binh Khe 3-7 Dec. Op.Ox Trail, 2/12 Cav search and destroy in Binh Dinh 6 Dec. Op.Give Up, 2/5 Cav recon. in Binh Dinh 8-19 Dec. Op.Matador, 1st Cav, 22nd ARVN search and destroy between Pleiku and Kontum 9-15 Dec. Op.Sweeping Mustang, 1st Bde, 1st Cav search and destroy in II CTZ 10-14 Dec. Op.Fish Hook, 2d Bde, 1st Cav search and destroy in Binh Dinh 10-22 Dec. Op.Quick Kick, 1st Bde, 1st Cav security in Pleiku and Kontum 14-16 Dec. Op.Fish Hook II, 2d Bde, 1st Cav search and destroy in Binh Dinh 17-20 Dec. Op.Scalping Mustang, 1/8 Cav search and destroy in Binh Dinh 17-21 Dec. Op.Clean House I, 1/8, 1/7, 2/7 (1st Cav), ROK Tiger Div search and destroy Soui Ca Valley in Binh Dinh Province 22-26 Dec. Op.Clean House II, 1/8, 1/7, 2/7 (1st Cav), ROK Tiger Div search and destroy Soui Ca Valley in Binh Dinh Province 23-26 Dec. Op.Cherokee Trail, 1st Bde, 1st Cav security along Highway 19. 27-31 Dec. Op.Clean House III, 1/8, 1/7, 2/7 (1st Cav), ROK Tiger Div search and destroy Soui Ca Valley in Binh Dinh Province 31 Dec.65-13 Jan.66 Op.Matador I, 1/8, 2/8, 1/12 (1st Cav) search and destroy in Pleiku and Kontum Provinces on the Vietnamese side of the Ton Le San River. Here's for 1965, 1966 to follow. |
1st Cav, 1966 Operations
13-17 Jan. Op.Matador II, one Bn of 2d Bde, 1st Cav reinforces 1st Bde, 1st Cav in continuing Op. Matador 24 Jan.-6 Mar. Op.Masher/White Wing/Thang Phong II, 1st Cav; 1st Regt, CAP Division; 22nd ARVN; 2nd Abn TF ARVN search and destroy in Bong Son Plain and surrounding areas 28-31 Jan. Battle of Cu Nghi, 1/7, 2/7, 2/12 Cav battle 7th and 9th Bns, NVA Regt 22 (Op. Masher) FEBRUARY 4 Feb.-6 Mar. Op.White Wing, operation rename 16-28 Feb. Op. Eagle Claw (Battle of Kim Son Valley), 1/5, 2/5 Cav clash with 18th and 22nd NVA Regts (part of White Wing) MARCH 1-5 Mar. Op.Black Horse (Op. White Wing part 5), 2d Bde, 1st Cav search and destroy in Binh Dinh 7-28 Mar. Op.Jim Bowie, 1/8, 2/8, 1/12, 2/5, 1/7, 2/7, 1/9 (1st Cav) search and destroy around Kon Truck,sweep of the Kim Son/Upper Song Ba/Dak Kon Bung valleys 14-21 Mar. Op.Buchanan/Wyatt Earp/Kam IV: 2d Bde, 1st Cav; 2/35 Inf security along Highway 19 21 Mar.-5 May Op.Benning/Trail Boss, 1st Cav security in Binh Dinh 25 Mar.-17 Apr. Op.Lincoln I/II/III/Mosby I, 1/8, 2/8, 1/9, 1/12, 1/7, 2/7 (1st Cav); 3d Bde, 25th Inf; B/1/69 Arm search and destroy around Ia Drang and Chu Pong Massif. 27 Mar.-5 May Op.Buchanan II, 2d Bde, 1st Cav; 3d Bde, 25th Inf security along Highway 19 APRIL 21 Apr.-3 May Op.Mosby II, 1/5, 2/5, 2/12 (1st Cav) search and destroy, recon. in force and interdiction W. of Highway 14 between Pleiku and Kontum 26-28 Apr. Op. Bee Bee, 3d Bde, 1st Cav show of force around Bong Son MAY 3-15 May Op.Lewis and Clark, 1/5, 2/5, 2/12 (1st Cav) recon. in force from Plateau Gi to An Khe 4-16 May Op.Davy Crockett/Binh Phu 3, 1/5, 1/7, 2/7 (1st Cav), 3rd ARVN Arm Cav vicinity of Bong Son SF Camp, An Lao, Eagle Claw and Soui Ca valleys 10 May-31 Jul. Op. Paul Revere I/Than Phong 14, 1/14, 1/35, 2/35 (25th Inf) border screening/area control in Pleiku and Darlac with support from 2/5, 1/9, 2/12 (1st Cav), from Duc Co to Chu Amung. 16 May-5 Jun. Op.Crazy Horse/Bun Khe 66-7, 1st Cav, Capital ROK, ARVN between Vinh Thanh and Soui Ca valleys JUNE 1-21 Jun. Op.Hawthorne/Dan Thang 61, 1st Bde, 101st Abn; 1/5 Cav, 1/42 ARVN, 21st Rgr ARVN search and destroy near Dak To, Tou Morong area vs NVA Regt 24 6-20 Jun. Op.Benning II, 1st Cav security in Binh Dinh 9-21 Jun. Op. Hooker I, 2d Bde, 1st Cav recon., security and search and destroy vicinity of Cambodian border, Pleiku and Kontum 19 Jun.-1 Jul. Op.Nathan Hale, 1/8, 2/8, 1/12, 1/7, 2/7 (1st Cav) and 1/327, 2/327 (101st) search and destroy in Phu Yen near Dong Tre and Tuy Hoa valley 30 Jun.-31 Jul. Op.Benning III, 2d Bde, 1st Cav security in Binh Dinh JULY 2-30 Jul. Op.Henry Clay, 1/8, 2/8, 1/7, 2/7, (1st Cav), 2/327 (101st Abn) recon. in force along Highway 14 to the cambodian border, Phu Yen, Phu Bon and Darlac provinces. 17 Jul.-1 Aug. Op.Hayes, 3d Bde, 1st Cav recon. and screening W of Dak To and Dak Pek 31 Jul.-2 Sep. Op.Benning IV, 1st Bde, 1st Cav security in Binh Dinh AUGUST 1-25 Aug. Op.Paul Revere II, 1/5, 2/5, 2/12, 1/7, 2/7 (1st Cav), 1/14, 1/35, 2/35, 1/69 (25th Inf), ROK Cavalry Regiment search and destroy in Chu Pong Massif vs 32, 33, 66, 88 and 95B NVA Regts. 26 Aug.-18 Oct. Op Paul Revere III, 1/7 (1st Cav), 1/14, 1/35, 2/35, C/3/4 (25thInf), 2/8, 1/12, 1/22 (4th Inf) search and destroy, pacification around LZ Oasis, Duc Co and Plei Djereng 26 Aug.66-20 Jan.68 Op.Byrd, 1st Cav economy of force in Binh Thuan province. TF 2/7 Cav assigned for duration, based at Phan Thiet SEPTEMBER 2-29 Sep. Op.Benning V, 3d Bde, 1st Cav security in Binh Dinh 13 Sep.-1 Oct. Op.Thayer I, 1/8, 2/8, 1/12, 1/5, 1/9, 2/12 (1st Cav), 3rd ARVN Abn Bde, 41st ARVN Rgt search and destroy in Kim Son and An Lao valleys, Phu Cat mtns. 29 Sep.-11 Oct. Op.Benning VI, 2d Bde, 1st Cav security in Binh Dinh OCTOBER 2-24 Oct. Op.Irving/Mang Ho 6/Dai Bang, 1/8, 2/8, 1/12, 1/5, 1/7, 5/7 (1st Cav), ROK Capital, 22nd ARVN search and destroy around Phu Cat Mountain, Nui Mieu. 18 Oct.-30 Dec. Op Paul Revere IV, 1/5, 2/5, 2/12 (1st Cav), 2/8, 1/12, 1/22 (4th Inf), 1/14, 1/35, 2/35 (25th Inf) search and destroy along Cambodian border on southern boundary of Kontum Province, Plei Djereng 25 Oct. 66-12 Feb. 67 Op.Thayer II, 1/8, 2/8, 1/12, 1/5, 2/5, 2/12, 1/7, 5/7 (1st Cav), 1/14, 1/35, C/3/4 Cav (25th Inf), VNMC search and destroy in Kim Son and Soui Ca valleys DECEMBER 1 Dec. Battle of Phu Huu(2) 1/9, 5/7, 2/12 Cav W. of LZ Bird (part of Thayer II) 9-14 Dec. Op. Rover, the evacuation of all civilians from the Kim Son Valley, was conducted by elements of the 1st Cav Div. Once the valley was cleared, it was designated a "free-fire" zone 27 Dec. Battle of LZ Bird, 1/12 Cav assaulted by NVA Regt 22 in the Kim Son valley (part of Thayer II) |
Re: 1st Cav, 1966 Operations
Since the battles of october '65 in the Ia Drang valley seem to be a possible take off point for the campaign I dug up some info on these:
http://orbat.com/site/history/histor...alley1965.html (detailed description of battles and includes info on order of battles on both sides) Two maps of the battle: http://www.dean.usma.edu/history/web...20map%2027.htm http://www.dean.usma.edu/history/web...20map%2028.htm Eyewitness account of the battle: http://www.mishalov.com/death_ia_drang_valley.html |
Re: 1st Cav, 1966 Operations
Thanks Stephane & Remco
This is fantastic! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif We have probably not only defined the US formation but also the starting point of the campaign. I think we have made the first serious step for the project. I don't know if anyone else has to propose something different concerning the US units involved in the campaign? But the 1st CAV seems to be a good possibility. If anyone has something good to propose, please do it ASAP, in order to proceed with the selection of the historical missions and the selection of the evolving core force. As much as I like the idea of 100% historical accuracy, we should allow the player to play all historical battles with his army group, and since this is not the case for a historical army group in the size of a specific division or a specific Brigade, then we should use generalized unit formations. Our core force will be units of the CAV DIV but not any specific one, rather a Generalized formation. Next we should think how this army formation would have to evolve... For example every few chapters/theatre of operations we could add to the existing core force new formations... For example from the point that the player will have a company level army core we will give him after a number of Chapters/Theatre of Operations an additional Company. The question is what type of company? Anyway, it is much better to add to the core force of the player additional companies at predefined time intervals (as the game evolves) and letting him this way to slowly built up his army group from a company level to a Battalion. |
Re: 1st Cav, 1966 Operations
The 1st Cav is the obvious choice of course, it's one of the few units of the War to have fought in all four Corps Tactical Zones and in ALL the major and secondary theater of Ops I mentioned above (it even fought in the Mekong Delta in 1968-69, forming a NavCav unit to operate in the numerous waterways of the area, so we can even create a few riverine scenarios for the campaign and still be perfectly historical http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif)
Re: 1st Cav, 1966 Operations
Then we should wait a couple of days to obtain the approval from the group members and we may proceed to the selection of historical battles, and then we will have to decide the evolution of the core army group in relation with the battle/operations... Oh-oh... things get serious... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif cheers, |
Re: 1st Cav, 1966 Operations
Re: 1st Cav, 1966 Operations
Re: 1st Cav, 1966 Operations
1st Cav, 1967 Operations
23-25 Jan. Op.Root II, 2/5 Cav search and destroy around Kannack 27-31 Jan. Op.Bullseye V, 2d Bde, 1st Cav and 40th ARVN Regiment recon. in force southwestern Bong Son Plain FEBRUARY 11 Feb. 67-18 Jan. 68 Op.Pershing I, 1st Cav; 1/50 Inf Mech; 3d Bde, 25th Inf, 22nd ARVN Division search and destroy, cordon and search, pacification of Binh Dinh from Kim Son valley to Quang Ngai province APRIL 7-22 Apr. Op.Lejeune, 1/5, 2/5, 2/12 (1st Cav); 3/7 Marines logistical operation on Duc Pho 9-10 Apr. Op.Dazzlem, 1st Cav defence of Camp Radcliff JUNE 18 Jun.-12 Oct. Op.Greeley (Battle of the Slopes), 173rd Abn, 4th Inf, 2/7, 5/7 (1st Cav), 5th and 8th TDNDs, 42nd ARVN Rgt search and destroy in Kontum/Dak To vicinity 28 Jun. Battle of Dam Tra-O lake (Op. Pershing I) 1/9, 2/5 Cav clash with 9/18 NVA 12 miles SE Bong Son JULY 2 Jul. Battle of LZ Geronimo (Op. Pershing I) AUGUST 9 Aug. Battle of LZ Pat (Op. Pershing I) 1/9, A/2/8 clash with NVA 32 miles SW Quang Ngai city 22 Aug.-3 Sep. Battle of Nui Mieu cave (Op. Pershing I), A/2/5 traps 100 enemy in cave, kills 33 and captures 41 SEPTEMBER 6-15 Sep. Op. Join Hands, 1/8, 1/5, 2/12 (1st Cav), 40th and 41st ARVN Rgts, VNMC TF Bravo search & destroy on Cay Ngiep mtns 19 Sep. 67-31 Jan. 69 Op.Bolling/Dan Hoa, 1/8 (1st Cav - 17 Sep.-14 Oct.); 1/503, 3/503, 4/503 (173d Abn) search and destroy, recon. in force, pacification in Phu Yen, Tuy Hoa Bassin. OCTOBER 4 Oct.-11 Nov. Op.Wallowa, 23rd Inf; 1/7, 5/7, 2/12 (1st Cav) search and destroy in Quang Tin and Quang Ngai, Que Son valley 12 Oct. 67-31 Jan.69 Op.Mac Arthur, 3/12, 3/8 (4th Inf); 173rd; 2d Bde, 1st Cav; 3rd Abn Bde ARVN; 42nd ARVN Rgt search and destroy, border protection and recon. in force in the western highlands of Pleiku and Kontum provinces DECEMBER 6-20 Dec. Battle of Tam Quan (Op. Pershing I) 1/9, 1/8, 1/12 (1st Cav; 1/50 Inf (M); 40th ARVN Rgt assault Tam Quan defended by 7/22 and 8/22 NVA |
1st Cav, 1968 Operations
20 Jan.-1 Mar. Op.Pershing II, 2d Bde, 1st Cav, 3d Bde, 4th Inf cordon and search in Binh Dinh and Quang Ngai 22 Jan.-31 Mar. Op.Jeb Stuart I, 2/8, 5/7, 2/12 (1st Cav); 1/501, 2/501 (101st Abn) search and destroy in enemy Base Areas 101 and 114 and reinforcement of 3rd MAF between Hue and Quang Tri 31 Jan.-1 Feb. Battle for Quang Tri (Op. Jeb Stuart) 1/5, 1/12 (1st Cav); 1st ARVN Rgt; 9th TDND battle NVA Rgt 812 during Tet 31 Jan.-25 Feb. Battle of Hue, 1/1, 1/5, 2/5 Marines, 1/7, 2/7, 5/7 Cav, 2/12 Cav, 3rd ARVN Rgt, VNMC to retake Hue City FEBRUARY 2-24 Feb., 3d Bde, 1st Cav battle for Thon La Chu 29 Feb.-12 Sep. Op.Napoleon/Saline, 3rd Mar, 2/1, 3/1, 1/4, 2/4, 1/9, 2/9, 2/26 Marines; 2d Bde, 1st Cav clear and search along Cua Viet River from Dong Ha in Quang Tri province APRIL 1-15 Apr. Op.Pegasus/Lam Son 207, 1st Cav, 1/1, 2/1, 2/3, 1/9 Marines, 1st ARVN operation to reopen road 9 to Khe Sanh 4 Apr. 1/9 drives elts of NVA Rgt 66 from Hill 471 (Op. Pegasus) 6 Apr. 1/5 battle the NVA in an abandoned french fort 3 miles S of Khe Sanh (Op. Pegasus) 8 Apr. Khe Sanh is formally relieved by the 1st Cav (Op. Pegasus) 19 Apr.-17 May Op.Delaware/Lam Son 216, 1st Cav; 1st Bde, 101stAbn; 196th LIB; 3rd ARVN Rgt; 6th TDND airmobile raid in A Shau Valley MAY 8-16 May Op.Concordia Square/Lam Son 224, 2d Bde, 1st Cav search and destroy in Quang Tri 17 May-3 Nov. Op.Jeb Stuart III, 1/8, 1/5, 2/5, 1/9 (1st Cav); 3d Sqn, 5th Cav clear and search, rice denial and pacification in central Thua Thien and Quang Tri JUNE 1 Jun.68-16 Feb.69 Op.Toan Thang II, 2/7, 5/7 (1st Cav), 1st Inf, 9th Inf, 25th Inf, 3d Bde, 101st Abn, 199th LIB, 11th ACR, 1st ATF, Queens Cobras Saigon security in III CTZ 27-30 Jun. Battle of Binh An (Jeb Stuart III) 3d Sqn, 5th Cav reinforced with 1st Cav elts corners NVA Bn 814 in Binh An, Quang Tri province AUGUST 4-20 Aug. Op.Somerset Plain/Lam Son 246, 101st; 3d Bde, 82d Abn; 1/9 (1st Cav), 1st ARVN Rgt search and destroy in A Shau valley SEPTEMBER 10 Sep.-3 Oct. Op.Commanche Falls I, 1st Cav, 1st ARVN clear and search in Quang Tri and Thua Thien provinces OCTOBER 3 Oct.-2 Nov. Op.Commanche Falls II, 1st Cav clear and search in Quang Tri and Thua Thien provinces 28 Oct. 68-23 Jun.69 Op.Liberty Canyon, 1st Cav redeploys to III CTZ and assumes responsability of its new TAOR in Sheridan Sabre and Navajo Warhorse areas NOVEMBER 2-15 Nov. Op.Commanche Falls III, 1/5, 2/5, 3/5 (1st Cav); 1st Bde, 5th Mech SE of Quang Tri 7 Nov.68-2 Apr.69 Op.Sheridan Sabre, 1st Cav combat and screening operations along cambodian border in III CTZ DECEMBER 3 Dec. Battle of LZ Eleanor (Op.Toan Thang II) D/2/7 Cav is ambushed by an estimated 400 NVA 17 miles NW Phuoc Vinh 6-9 Dec. Op.Charger Sweep I, 1st Bde, 1st Cav clear and search in Quang Tri 15 Dec.68-13 Feb.69 Op.Navajo Warhorse I, 1/8, 2/8, 2/12 (1st Cav) operations in Hau Nghia and Kien Tuong provinces |
Re: 1st Cav, 1968 Operations
Excellent work Stephane!
After we gather all these battles we should decide which battles (if not all!!!) should be included to the Campaign. We should also consider mix the historical battles with fictional battles (like bunker attack, firebase defend etc...). Anyway we have already made a very good progress in this field! After Stephane finish the list, we could start to propose/choose battles (if not all!!) for the campaign. cheers, |
1st Cav, 1969-71 Operations
4 Feb.-19 Apr. Op.Cheyenne Sabre, 3d Bde, 1st Cav search and destroy operation northeast of Bien Hoa to straddle and cut enemy infiltration routes. 14 Feb.-28 Mar. Op. Navajo Warhorse II, 1/5, 2/5, 2/8 (1st Cav) clear and search in Tay Ninh, Hau Nghia and Kien Tuong provinces 16 Feb.-31 Oct. Op.Toan Thang III, 1/8, 5/7, 2/12 (1st Cav); 1st Inf; 25th Inf; 3d Bde, 9th Inf Saigon security operations in III CTZ 8 Mar. Battle of LZ Grant, 1/12 Cav defends the LZ located 17 miles NE of Tay Ninh city 18 Mar.-2 Apr. Op.Atlas Wedge: 3d Bde, 1st Inf; 11th ACR; 25th Inf; 1/5 (1st Cav) clear and search in Michelin plantation 29 Mar.-23 Jun. Op.Montana Scout, 2/5, 2/8, 2/12 (1st Cav) operation along the southern frontier of War Zone C in Tay Ninh province 12 Apr.-14 May Op.Montana Raider I/II/III, 1/8, 1/9, 2/7 (1st Cav) and 11th ACR from Dau Tieng to Quan Loi on a series of coordinated search operations designed to destroy the NVA support and supply facilities along Route 13. 12 Aug. 3d Bde base at Quan Loi attacked by NVA Rgt 88 and VC Rgts 271 and 272 (Op.Toan Thang III) 12 Aug. 2/8 Cav defends LZ Becky from an attack by NVA Rgt 18 20 miles W of An Loc (Op.Toan Thang III) 1 Nov.69-May 70. Op.Toan Thang IV, 1st Cav; 1st Inf; 25th Inf; 3d Bde, 9th Inf; 5th, 18th, 25th ARVN Divisions Saigon security operations in III CTZ 4 Nov. Battle of LZ Ike, 2/5 Cav battle vs 2/271 VC (Op.Toan Thang IV) 7-9 Nov. Op. Long Reach 1st Cav, 11th ACR relief operation along Highway 14 toward Bo Duc and Bu Dop 1970 5-8 Jan. Op.Flying Finn, 2/5 Cav destruction of 2nd Bn, 95C Rgt in Tay Ninh 26 Jan.-13 Apr. 2/8, 2/12, 5/7 (1st Cav) and ARVN Airborne conduct and extended search and destroy campign near Bu Gia Map , Phuoc Long province against NVA Rgt 174 (part of Op.Toan Thang IV) 4 Feb. 1st Cav's FSB Tina in Tay Ninh province is assaulted (part of Op.Toan Thang IV) 8 Mar. C/2/8 Cav battles for FSB Carolyn (part of Op.Toan Thang IV) 29 Mar. Battle of FSB Jay (part of Op.Toan Thang IV) 2/7 Cav vs 3/95 NVA 1 Apr. Battle for SFB Illingworth (part of Op.Toan Thang IV) 2/8 Cav, A/1/11 ACR assaulted 25 miles NW of Tay Ninh 15-16 Apr. 1st Cav's FSB Atkinson in Tay Ninh province is assaulted (part of Op.Toan Thang IV) 1 May-29 Jun. Op.Dong Tien II/Thoang Thang 43, 1st Cav; 11th ACR; 1st Bde, 1st Inf and 5th ARVN, ARVN Airborne in the Fish Hook, Cambodia 6 May-27 Jun. Op.Thoang Thang 45, 1st Cav, 5/12 (199th LIB) NW of Bu Dop, Cambodia 1971 27 Sep.-2 Oct. Op.Katum, 3d Bde, 1st Cav, 2/11th ACR withdrawal of personnel from FSB Katum, Tay Ninh |
Re: 1st Cav, 1969-71 Operations
Tell me the truth... Are you a professional Vietnam researcher?? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gifLOL With the progress that Boonierat is making on the historical research, soon we will enter to one of the most critical activities for the campaign... We will choose/connect the battles/operations/locations with the evolution of the core army and we will create the Theatres of Operations. The trick is to make a smooth evolution from smaller (core force) missions to a progressive increase. In case of "MUST HAVE" big battle in early stages we should use AUX forces. cheers, Pyros |
Re: 1st Cav, 1966 Operations
WOW that is a ton of work on the 1st Cav dates; EXCELLENT job. Yeah the CAV had their thumb in every pie, plus I know they still did road security etc so you can still have ground armoured fighting too.
Re: 1st Cav, 1969-71 Operations
As you can deduce from the Ops list, combat operations in Vietnam tended to decrease after 1969 as well as combat intensity, and we might encounter some problems towards the end of the campaign between 1970 and 1972 as there were fewer and fewer encounters with the enemy, unless we decide to end the campaign earlier. |
Re: 1st Cav, 1969-71 Operations
So, lets give the player the ability to re-write history!
At that point we are going to add the alternate history part of the campaign. In addition we are going to allow the player to spent 100s of replacement points in order to buy new units of his choice (even tanks) and we are going to design several "what if scenarios"... We may even oppose US forces with Chinesse or Soviet attachments! cheers, p.s but for the moment we should concentrate our efforts to making the connection between the evolution of the core force in relation with the definition of the theatres of Operations. So, lets start by defining CHAPTERS (choosing specific battles of high interest). |
Re: 1st Cav, 1969-71 Operations
Advisory 15 March 1962 - 7 March 1965 Defense 8 March 1965 - 24 December 1965 Counteroffensive 25 December 1965 - 30 June 1966 Counteroffensive, Phase II 1 July 1966 - 31 May 1967 Counteroffensive, Phase III 1 June 1967 - 29 January 1968 Tet Counteroffensive 30 January 1968- 1 April 1968 Counteroffensive, Phase IV 2 April 1968 - 30 June 1968 Counteroffensive, Phase V 1 July 1968- 1 November 1968 Counteroffensive, Phase VI 2 November 1968 - 22 February 1969 Tet 69/Counteroffensive 23 February 1969 - 8 June 1969 Summer-Fall 1969 9 June 1969 - 31 October 1969 Winter-Spring 1970 1 November 1969 - 30 April 1970 Sanctuary Counteroffensive 1 May 1970 - 30 June 1970 Counteroffensive, Phase VII 1 July 1970 - 30 June 1971 Consolidation I 1 July 1971 - 30 November 1971 Consolidation II 1 December 1971 - 29 March 1972 Cease-Fire 30 March 1972 - 28 January 1973 Else I can make a simplified 1st Cav campaign chronology to show the various phases of its Vietnam service. |
Re: 1st Cav, 1969-71 Operations
Some ideas for the Chapters:
-Steming the NVA: The Ia Drang valley Campaign (Sep-Dec. 1965) -The coastal campaign: The 1st Cav in Binh Dinh province (Jan-Mar. 1966) -Battles on two fronts: Screening the cambodian border and rooting the NVA out of Binh Dinh (Mar.-Oct.1966) -Pacification: Taming Binh Dinh once and for all (Oct.66-Jan 1968) -Cavalry to the rescue! Northern I Corps Tet Offensive campaign (Hue - Quang Tri - Khe Sanh - A Shau Jan.-Oct 68) -The Cav moves South: Screening Saigon (Oct.68-May 70) -Into the Unknown: Cambodia incursion (May-June 70) -Stand Down and Redeployement: The final years (July 70-June 72) |
Re: 1st Cav, 1969-71 Operations
This is exactly what I have in mind! At the same time with you I have posted this list in the script thread...LOL Anyway, could you please take this list and create unities (ToOs...look in the terminology thread) by including historical missions on each ToOs? Maybe we will have to merge or split any of these predefined ToOs. cheers, |
Re: 1st Cav, 1969-71 Operations
Sure, which list? the campaign designation one?
Re: 1st Cav, 1969-71 Operations
The chapters will be included in the ToOs. The only difference should be that instead ending with "the final years" we will continue with the Alternate history! Stephane by using the ToOs could you please create Chapters (Chapter include a mission type). So for example in the first ToO: -Steming the NVA: The Ia Drang valley Campaign (Sep-Dec. 1965) How many and what kind of chapters, may we include? You should consider that the core force during this ToO will have the size of 2-3 platoons; we may use several AUX elements, but with such a small core force we should be able to play some special missions like the one you have suggested (for the crushed helicopter) http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif cheers, |
Re: 1st Cav, 1969-71 Operations
Stephane (or anyone else who is interested),
Could you please make a selection of 10 historical battles/operations of the 1st CAV division in order to form the historical ToOs? If you could add some description/location and little info for each battle/operation it would be great! I hope next week we could make an early selection of the historical battles/operations for the campaign and then we may use this selection as the backbone of the campaign. Then we will add other fictional battle in between and we should start the designing of the appropriate chapters. In each ToO, we will include 1-3 Historical chapters (probably connected) and a couple of fictional chapters for mission diversity. So, 1. First we choose the Historical battles/operations and this way we define the campaign ToOs. 2. We design/define the historical chapters (inside the ToOs) and we try to add a couple (or more) fictional chapters in a novel type of history (we have to respect campaign connectivity) 3 Then, we should describe exactly the type of mission in each chapter. 4. Then, according to the number of ToOs and the nature of historical chapters we should decide the evolution of the core force (very difficult and critical activity). As a general rule you should respect that the early missions should be design for a light core force, while the late missions should be designed for a quite big core force. Of course we may achieve equilibrium and balance in the early missions by adding AUX friendly units. Critical activity But for the moment we should focus on the formation of the ToOs and then in the writing of exciting campaign scenery with a lot of "up and down". Cheers, Pyros p.s I think you may find in the 1st CAV DIV thread a lot of historical info for the dates and types of battles/missions. |
Re: 1st Cav, 1969-71 Operations
I'm doing it right now, should be ready when you're coming back from vacation.
Re: 1st Cav, 1969-71 Operations
Here's the first part of what I did (first two ToOs), tell me if that's what you have in mind:
Steming the NVA: The Ia Drang valley Campaign Sep-Dec. 1965 (ToO#1) [*]Chapter 1, A New Home: the 1st Cav arrives at An Khe Here we can have some shake down operations to get the player accustomed to his units, for example: Op. Op.Good Friend II/Sayonara (joint Army/USMC/ROK road security along Route 19 from Qui Nonh to Binh Khe) Op.Happy Valley I & II (pacification in Vinh Thanh Valley) Op.Lonesome End (security of the famous Mang Yang Pass)[*]Chapter 2, Plei Me under Siege: Send in the First Team Here the serious business begins, the Cav must relieve a besieged SF camp and pursue the retreating NVAs: Op. All the Way with a battle for an NVA field Hospital, an ambush near cambodian border, an battle for a hot LZ etc...[*]Chapter 3, Cavalry Pursuit: Breaking the NVA Here are the famous battles of the campaign with terrible fightings for LZ X-Ray, Albany and Columbus. The Coastal Campaign: The 1st Cav in Binh Dinh province Jan-Mar. 1966 (ToO#2) [*]Chapter 4, A Change of Scenery: The Coastal Sands Operation Masher/White Wing begins here, the largest search and destroy operation to date with US (1st Cav), ROK (Capital Div) and ARVN (22nd Division) units aimed at breaking the NVA and VC grip on the populous Binh Dinh province north of Qui Nonh. We can have such missions as an Air Assault on a fortified Village (Cu Nghi), the rescue of a downed Chinook, etc...[*]Chapter 5, Into the Valley: Clearing the An Lao Here Operation White Wing leaves the coast with the 1st Cav entering the feared An Lao valley NW of Bong Son and evacuating its population.[*]Chapter 6, Striking South: Battle of the Kim Son Continuing Operation White Wing, the cav assaults another NVA stronghold, the Kim Son valley (aka the Crow's Foot). Here we can have pretty tough battles vs NVA bunker complexes and B-52s arc light raids! |
Re: 1st Cav, 1969-71 Operations
Looks good Boonierat!
Re: 1st Cav, 1969-71 Operations
well I posted else where, and to me this seems almost tlaior made for Paltoon then Company then battlion style you want:
Details: (P29) Left Charlston on Aug 16th on the transport ship USNS Maurice Rose Arived Qui Nhon mid september Joined up with advanced party who with the help of the 101 Airborne had secured an area of scrub jungle. Rougth discription: North of An Khe, 42 miles west of Qui Nhon. On east side, an old airstrip with ahree story building on the NW side of the airstrip. When complete the base: 12 mile long, 100 yard wide defense parimiter. Able to hold the divisions fixed and rotory wing assests. no permamant structures apart form bunkers. battlions take turns in holding parimter, running patrols and setting OP's. During the first few weeks a few light probes from VC. Sniper activety on patrols. Another battlions mascot (A mule) KIA. 1st Barigade's fight: Hosptial fight: Nov 1 (P32) Searching for the NVA who attacked Plei Mei SF base and ambushed the ARVAN relief coloum. aprox 12 enemy spotted by Air-scout's fired on and scattered. Moments later another group of NVA spotted, Troops landed on the ground (I Guess about coy strength). leading to the capture of a NVA feild hospital. total enemy KIA 15, POW 44. That afternoon NVA counter attack, 4 hours later 1x battlion flown in. Estimated enemy KIA 250. Trail Ambush, Nov 3, (P33) 3 platoon sized ambushes set around the Ia drang River trail. 1 Plt on trial other two set 1 mile to the north. An NVA coloum appraoches and stops about 120 yards south for rest break shortly after 2100 they move through the ambush site. The Troopers let the coloum pass but when the HW coy arrives they attack with claymores. Then all troops fall back to LZ for pick up.where they are counter attacked by the NVA. 1 coy is flown in to renforce the troops. NVA strength 1x Rifle Coy, 1x Heavy weapons Coy. 3rd brigades fight 12 nov. 2323 The brigade's HQ, Avation fuel store and engineer facitlites are attacked, a 1 hour battle follows in which the VC are driven off. LZ X-ray LZ Albanay LZ Falcon |
Re: 1st Cav, 1969-71 Operations
Listy & Stephane good work!
You may post your proposal and then we will make a joined list. For the moment a list of events with the method that Stephane is using is perfect. From what I read, Listy is making almost a tactical analysis of the missions that Stephane has included. This will be very useful in the next phase. Keep up the good work! cheers, Pyros |
Re: 1st Cav, 1969-71 Operations
Here's my proposal for ToO and Chapters, it's pretty flexible and we can easily squeeze any ideas you guys have for scenarios in here:
Steming the NVA: The Ia Drang valley Campaign Sep-Dec. 1965 (ToO#1) [*]Chapter 1, A New Home: The 1st Cav Arrives at An Khe Here we can have some shake down operations to get the player accustomed to his units, for example: Op. Op.Good Friend II/Sayonara (joint Army/USMC/ROK road security along Route 19 from Qui Nonh to Binh Khe) Op.Happy Valley I & II (pacification in Vinh Thanh Valley) Op.Lonesome End (security of the famous Mang Yang Pass)[*]Chapter 2, Plei Me under Siege: Send in the First Team Here the serious business begins, the Cav must relieve a besieged SF camp and pursue the retreating NVAs: Op. All the Way with a battle for an NVA field Hospital, an ambush near cambodian border, an battle for a hot LZ etc...[*]Chapter 3, Cavalry Pursuit: Breaking the NVA Here are the famous battles of the campaign with terrible fightings for LZ X-Ray, Albany and Columbus. The Coastal Campaign: The 1st Cav in Binh Dinh province Jan-Mar. 1966 (ToO#2)[*]Chapter 4, A Change of Scenery: The Coastal Sands Operation Masher/White Wing begins here, the largest search and destroy operation to date with US (1st Cav), ROK (Capital Div) and ARVN (22nd Division) units aimed at breaking the NVA and VC grip on the populous Binh Dinh province north of Qui Nonh. We can have such missions as an Air Assault on a fortified Village (Cu Nghi), the rescue of a downed Chinook, etc...[*]Chapter 5, Into the Valley: Clearing the An Lao Here Operation White Wing leaves the coast with the 1st Cav entering the feared An Lao valley NW of Bong Son and evacuating its population.[*]Chapter 6, Striking South: Battle of the Kim Son Continuing Operation White Wing, the Cav assaults another NVA stronghold, the Kim Son valley (aka the Crow's Foot). Here we can have pretty tough battles vs NVA bunker complexes and B-52s arc light raids! Battle on Two Fronts: Screening the Cambodian border and rooting the NVA out of Binh Dinh Mar-Oct. 1966 (ToO#3) [*]Chapter 7, Sustained Pursuit: Binh Dinh Campaign Here we can squeeze a village battle in the Bong Son plains during Op. David Crockett and the furious battle for LZ Hereford on a ridgeline of the Kim Son valley during Op. Crazy Horse[*]Chapter 8, Old Grounds: Return to the Ia Drang valley The Cav returns on the cambodian border during Op. Paul Revere II were we can have the battle for LZ Juliet and a classic hilltop battle with dug in NVA bunkers on Hill 534 on the southern portion of the Chu Prong massif Pacification: Taming Binh Dinh once and for all Oct 66-Jan 68 (ToO#4) [*]Chapter 9, Renewed Campaign: Operations Thayer and Irving Here we can have the player experience the frustration of Vietnam with a massive airmobile assault in the Kim Son valley which fails to trap the NVA during Op. Thayer I; the battle for Hoa Hoi during Op. Irving (would be fun to have the player realize that Vietnam was the first TV War, it was during this operation that the french TV team of Pierre Schoendorffer accompanied one of the Cav's company to shoot the famous documentary: The Anderson Platoon and which could join the core force as a special civilian unit); and then we can have the terrible fighting for LZ/FSB Bird, where a skytrooper company and two batteries of artillery sustained a massive night ground assault by the NVA during Op; Thayer II[*]Chapter 10, Winning Hearts and Minds: Operation Pershing During this operation that took most of 1967, the Cav was employed in a role it was ill-suited to play: pacification of an entire province. Search and destroy operations were replaced by countless days of cordon and search, area security, rice denial and population control. Some heavy fighting errupted though to break the monotony, almost always triggered by 1st Sqn, 9th cavalry, the "Cav of the Cav" -100% airmobile reconnaissance Squadron. A few ideas for battles: Battle of the Dam Tra-O lake (June); foray in the I Corps' Song Re valley and the battle for LZ Pat (August) and the week-long battle of Tam Quan where the cav cornered two full battalions of NVA and annihilated them. Cavalry to the Rescue! Northern I Corps Tet Offensive Campaign Jan-Oct 68 (ToO#5) [*]Chapter 11, Flexible Response: The Battle of Quang Tri The Cav helps repel the NVA assault on Quang Tri during Tet[*]Chapter 12, Closing the Gate: Hue City The Cav cuts the NVA supply line into Hue by air-assaulting right in the middle of it at Thon La Chu[*]Chapter 13, Breaking the Siege: Operation Pegasus The Cav reopens Route 9 to Khe Sanh, lifting a 77-days siege[*]Chapter 14, Cavalry Raid: Into the A Shau The Cav assaults the NVA A Shau valley sanctuary but meets adverse weather conditions and formidable anti-aircraft defences, Here we can have such missions as securing an old airstrip for air-resupply by C-123s and the uncovering of a huge NVA logistical system with all weather trails, trucks, food and ammos caches and even russian tanks and bulldozers! The Cav Moves South: Screening Saigon Oct 68-May 1970 (ToO#6) [*]Chapter 15, Area of Operation: Sheridan Sabre Here we can have the LZ battles like Grant and Carolyn and also some joint operations with the 11th Armoured Cavalry Regiment[*]Chapter 16, Area of Operation: Navajo Warhorse Here the Cav experiements the NavCav concept in the waterways on the Mekong Delta with the US Navy (we can even squeeze a recreation of the battle scene in Apocalypse Now here) Into the Unknown: Cambodia Incursions May-June 1970 (ToO#7) [*]Chapter 17, Toan Thang: Total Victory Here the Cav pushes into the NVA cambodian sanctuaries of the Fish Hook area and discovers "The City" Stand Down and Redeployement: The Final Years July 70-June 72 (ToO#8) Here we will have to determine how to end the campaign |
Re: 1st Cav, 1969-71 Operations
Good work Stephane,
For me these ToOs are great. I don't know what is the opinion of the other people but I think that if anyone wiushes to make an addition or propose a modification should post as quickly as possible his remarks to this thread. thanks, |
Re: 1st Cav, 1969-71 Operations
no worries there, I'd just include the ones I worked out.
Oh and as a final battle in ToO#1 we could have hte battle for LZ Falcon, as a sort of rest stop for the units coming from LZ Albany and X-ray. Sort of have hte Units that did pass through eitehr stay and defend the LZ, and have the possibility of takeing more damage, or alow them to retreat and leave Aux forces to deal with the NVA attack. |
Re: 1st Cav, 1969-71 Operations
Re: 1st Cav, 1969-71 Operations
Re: 1st Cav, 1969-71 Operations
Great work!
Wanted to let know about me earlier, but got a sudden meeting with former classmates for several days:o) |
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