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Gryphin January 6th, 2004 02:32 AM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill

You are all barking mad and weird to boot.

<font size="2" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">Then you fit right in Growltigga.

Let the wife go shopping in New York. You come to Boston.

Growltigger January 6th, 2004 11:37 AM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
Geo, that is libel.

At least us Europeans can get to drive faster than 55 mph and not look horrified when the speedometer reaches 75 mph.

Every time I pick up members of the American clan from the airport, I love to speed a little bit just to see the looks of horror on their wittle faces!! hee hee hee

As to whether we drive on the right side of the road or not, of course it is the right side of the road you eejyut!

Mac, why is it that any time Gryph and I start a discussion, you immediately go off in a frenzy of sordid mucky thoughts about whether it has any dirty connotations!!

Geo, I will probably be using American public transport to get from Conneticut to New York. I will therefore get to New York unless the public transport system is that cock eyed!

Narratio January 6th, 2004 03:15 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
"Can't live with them, can't live without them" eh? My wife said that women use "Can't live with them, and killing them is so expensive."

But I know my place...

mac5732 January 6th, 2004 07:50 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
GT, When one incampuses the wonders of scientific research, any and all topics of discussion are open for study. They are not necessarily involved in the tribulations of discourse upon the theories of depradations of the mind. Therefore, what one sees as sleezy is another one's scientific recourse into the wonders of the physical and sub physical universe where doors can be opened (or closed) depending on the severity of one's research into the perpetual search of knowledge http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon10.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/tongue.gif

just some ideas Mac

Cipher7071 January 6th, 2004 09:19 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
What nest o' scalliwags is this?? Barkeep. A tankard o' grog!! Methinks I'll have a seat in the corner and keep me good eye on the door.

Gryphin January 7th, 2004 01:06 AM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill

Originally posted by Growltigger:
Gryppo, by whipped, I assume you mean that I am "under the thumb", in that I do everything my wife tells me. If you mean "whipped" in the more colloquial sense, then yes, but I have a special club for that which I go to on Saturday mornings.

Yes, I am under the thumb, but view it more as a necessary evil to protect our bank balances rather than any surrendering of free will to "she who must be obeyed".

I get out a lot though, normally when she is off riding fell beasts and terrorising hobbits

<font size="2" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">Ok, Ok, I admit it, so am I but not in the "colloquial " sence. I even let her buy me a new bomber jacket. That was a major concession in the name of love

Growltigger January 7th, 2004 10:29 AM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
Gryphin, girls buying chaps presents (unless they are tasteful like Aston Martin DB7's or Porsches) is the first blow on a downward spiral.

The Witch Queen of Angmar (aka the current Mrs Growltigga) bought me a lovely fitted designer shirt for Christmas. It was very nice, but Shelob decided that actually, it would look much better if I lost some weight to really show it off.

THe result, she has put me on a major league diet for the New Year. She has also decided that I drink too much and therefore, giving that up for January (at the least she says) would help me lose weight. In addition, she decided that my smoking was a bad idea (which it is I grant you), and I therefore should give that up.

The net result is that I am on a heavy weight diet, am on the wagon (and stapled on so I cannot fall off it) and not smoking. I am currently experiencing mood swings ranging from suicidal to homocidal to hysterical, and am having cravings for really horrible things like pickled eggs (only way to get the taste of ryvita out of your mouth).

I also have to put up with a large poster of Aragorn on the fridge. I have been told that I cannot touch it upon pain of emasculation. And this from the fiend who tore down the poster of Giselle Bundchen I had in my den!!

narf poit chez BOOM January 7th, 2004 10:32 AM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
'diet is just die with a 't' at the end' - Garfield. may not be exact.

Gryphin January 7th, 2004 01:27 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
Growltigger, sounds like that Saturday morning club you mentioned might be less painful than domestic life. Maybe you can get the Witch KIng to wear leather? It might help.

Cipher7071 January 7th, 2004 03:05 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
Har, me buckos. Wench, more ale! Now listen 'ere mates. Just so happens thars an open bunk on me vessel, and I'm needin to fill it. Perhaps Tigger would like to bunk in. Got a bottle o' Morgan stowed, and the winds blowin' away from shore.

Never had much luck with the ladies meself. In fact, that barkeep over thar reminds me o' me second wife. Hear tell thars plenty more in the Caribbean this time o' year.

Arrrggh. Who am I kiddin'? Whars that ale?! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon12.gif

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