![]() |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: EA Helheim
Buying: Thistle Mace Price: Will trade for death gems or a skull mentor (Negotiable, PM if interested) Status: Closed Got what I needed. |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: EA Oceania
Buying: Water gems Offer: one on one trade for nature gems (up to 15), fire gems (up to 10) Status: Some deals have been made, offer remains open for the above gem types/quanitities. |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: LA Ermor
Buying: Death Gems Offer: Earth Gems 1:1 (up to 30). Status: Open Except: LA R'lyeh; EA R'lyeh; Neifelhiem |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: LA R'lyeh
Buying: Water and death Gems Offer: Earth Gems 1:1 (up to 30) and nature gems 1:1 (up to 30) Status: Open Except: None deal 1: MA agartha, 9 nature,19 earth sent |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: MA Agartha
Buying: Intel. Cast Arcane Window on current turn (21) on a province number I supply via PM, and relay the turn 22 scrying report to me verbatim. Note: heavy astral caster presence expected, so Astral Projection will NOT work! Offer: 5 earth or death gems Except: My immediate neighbours Status: Closed, as the window (eh eh) of opportunity passed. |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: MA Jotunheim
Buying: Gems of any kind for 20 gold each Status: Ongoing Exceptions: PM me if interested in making a deal. First come first served, since my supply of gold is not unlimited. Deals made: 1) Bought 10 air gems from LA Midgard for 200 gold 2) Sent 17 blood slaves to LA Ulm, awaiting payment of 10 death gems and 7 nature gems to complete the deal. Gems received, plus some extra ones for the delay in payment. Thanks! 3) Bought 10 air gems from LA midgard for 200 gold. 4) Bought 14 gems from LA Midgard for 200 gold. |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: MA Agartha
Buying: Astral gems (10) Selling: Earth gems 1:1 (up to 10) and death gems 1:1 (up to 10). PM me if you're interested selling less than total (to reduce clutter). Status: Astral gems bought from MA Jots, earth gems sent. |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: EA Oceania
Buying: Dwarven Hammer (x2) (join the club?) Price: 19 earth/nature/fire gems, or 15 and 100 gold. Possibly level 2 construction items in Oceania paths if you're intrested. Status: offer ended Nation: EA Oceania Buying: Water Gems (reminder) Will trade 1:1 for nature and/or fire gems Status: open |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: LA R'lyeh
Selling: Construction 4 items (fire/water/earth/astral/death/nature) - Example: sword of swiftness, thistle mace, skull staff, charcoal shield, lucky coin, robe of shadows, earth boots, amu of antimagic, stone sphere, crystal coin, ring of regen/reinvig etc. Price: listed forging price + 20%, payment in water/death/astral gems (or the gem type needed to forge said item). Since gems are low atm you might want to send gems in advance or contact me in pm to open negotiations. except: none Status: open Update: From now on payment in earth or nature gems will not be accepted. |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: EA Oceania
Buying: Water gems (again) Offering: 1:1 for fire, air, earth, nature or astral gems. (max 10 astral pearls, other kinds are available in bigger quanitities.) Status: Open, and will probably remain open for the next 50-odd turns. |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: LA R'Lyeh
Selling: Ring of sorcery/wizardry price: Base forging price (40/65) in water, death or astral gems. For nations that are low on gems I would consider payments of 30 gold/gem value up to half the full payment. (for example you could pay with 20 gems and 600 gold for a ring of sorcery.) Status: Ongoing Exceptions: none |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Tired of standard armor, bored with magical trinkets or just have some gems burning a hole in your gemthang? EA Ulm announces its magical item emporia is now open! Our fine smiths charge list price for any c4 item; possibly less for bulk orders; sale prices available to friendly neighboring powers.
All payments must be made in advance, orders 2b served in the order they are received by PM. Anyone crazy enough to pay real money a la WoW will jump to the head of the line. Our smiths are ready and waiting to serve you ... |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
MA Agartha
Buying: Skull Mentors (3) Bought (Owl Quils) Bought (Wine Bags) Paying: Nominal forging cost for each in gem type they require (death/air/nature) OR earth (sellers disrection) AND 3 earth gems or 50 gold per item as a forging fee. For alternate deals, PM me! From Turn 27 on. Status: Ongoing on skull mentors, other items bought, thank you for overwhelming interest! |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: MA Pangaea
Sells: Water Gems Buys: Earth Gems SOLD |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
EA C'tis
Buying: Ring of Tamed Lightning x2 Price: 7 natures gems for each (must receive both rings by turn 30) Status: bought Exceptions: anyone EA C'tis is at war with |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
MA Jotunheim
Selling: Many Construction Level 6 and below magic items Prices: Perhaps the lowest you will find. PM me to make a deal for the item you want. Usually payment can be made the turn the item is shipped. Status: Ongoing Exceptions: None Deals made: 1) Thistle Mace to MA Ermor for 10 nature gems. 2) Sea King's Goblet to MA Machaka for 18 astral gems. 3) Boots of Youth (x3) to LA Ermor for 12 earth gems each. |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
LA R'lyeh
Buying: astral gems paying: equal amount of fire/earth/nature gems. Status: ongoing Exceptions: none |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: EA Oceania
Buying: astral gems Paying: fire/nature/earth/air gems Status: ongoing Exceptions:none Buying: water gems Paying: fire/nature/earth/air gems. Depending on the amount of reactions fire and nature might be offered at better than 1:1 ratios, PM for details. Status: Perpetual. I don't expect to have enough water gems for the next 50 turns at least http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif Exceptions: none |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: LA Mictlan
Selling: nothing...all gone! Price: 25 gold per gem - bulk discounts and financing available Status: fulfilled Exceptions: EA Argatha All gone. |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: EA Oceania
Selling: fire gems Price: Any other type of gems except nature. Water and Astral will net 1.5 fire gems each. Status: open Exceptions: none Also still buying water and astral gems, see two posts above. |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: LA R'lyeh
Selling: fire, earth and nature gems Price: water and astral gems Status: open Exceptions: none Nation: LA R'lyeh Selling: Construction 8 items (I can make most items but not all) Price: Send pm what you need and what you intend to offer (items need to be prepaid, i prefer offers in water, astral, death and money) Status: opens turn 32 (next turn) Exceptions: none Nation: LA R'lyeh Buying: Blood stone Price: Send pm what you need in return. Status: open Exceptions: none |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: LA Patala
Buying: Winged Shoes (1) Price: Name your price. All kinda gems available except astral. Start: current turn End: current turn (yes, no time for forging - would need them immediately) Status: closed, found a deal |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: LA Ermor
Buying: Boots of Youth (up to 3) Offer: 12 Gems in any combination except Death/Astral Except: Nations I am at war with Start: Now Status: Ongoing |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: EA Oceania
Buying: Moonvine Bracelet Offer: 25 fire, nature and/or earth gems Status: bought Nation: EA Oceania Buying: Water, Death and Astral gems Offer: Nature and Fire gems at 1,5:1 ratio, air and earth at 1:1 Status: ongoing |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
MA Jotunheim |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: MA Ctis
Buying: Elemental Armor and Firebrand Offer: 25 water, death, or nature gems or blood slaves, or a combo. Also willing to pay gold. Can forge any constr 6 item using water, astral, nature or death, including moonvine bracelets, boots quickness, horror helm etc. Status: trading 25 nature gems for the 2 items with MA Jotunheim. 25 nature gems sent. |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: LA Ctis
Buying: Staff of storm Offer: I can forge constr 6 Death, fire. Can offer any gems exept slaves. I can supply the staff gem cost. Status: closed |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: MA Vanheim
Buying: Gate Cleaver, and Banner of the Northern Star Offer: Earth, Water, Fire and Nature gems, gold Status: Closed - trades in progress for remaining items. |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: MA Agartha
Buying: Fire booster (preferably skull of fire but others ok) (Moonvine Bracelet bought) (Hydra Skin Armor bought) Offer: Earth, Water, Death, Nature gems or items (const 4, path requirements up to E3/D3/N3/W3, some combinations not available), gold. PM your offer. Status: Open fire booster, other stuff bought |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: EA Oceania
Buying: a Skull Staff and possibly Skullface too Offer: Unfortunately I hardly have any death income, so payment will have to be in other gems: 16 nature or fire gems, or 12 earth/air ones, for the Skull Staff, PM me for the Skullface. Status: Skull staff bought. The offers I made for water, astral and death gems from previous posts are still open too. (look a few posts up for details - or PM me with your own offer, I'm paying well for them) |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: MA Oceania
Buying: 50 blood slaves Offer : 30 earth/nature/fire gems (or cash) |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: EA Oceania
Buying: Flame Helmet Offer: 25 fire or 30 nature gems, or PM me your offer. Status: closed |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: LA R'leyh
Buying: air gems Offer: 7 gems for 5 air gems Status: open |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: LA Ermor
Buying: 1 Air Booster Offer: 35 gems in anything but fire or nature. Status: Bought! |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: LA Ermor
Buying: 2 Dwarven Hammers Offer: 36 gems in anything but fire or nature (depending on gems on hand). Status: Purchased! |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: EA Oceania
Buying: 1 air booster Offer: 35 nature, 30 astral or earth, or 25 air gems Status: closed Nation EA Oceania Selling: nature gems Asking: 1 gem of any kind except earth for 1,5 nature gems. (I only need limited quantities of fire/air though, so PM me to see if they're still needed before sending them over) Status: closed |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: MA Ctis
Buying: death gems Offer: blood slaves, other gems, gold, items, pm me Status: open |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: LA Mictlan
Buying: 3 rings of tamed lightning Offer: N/A Status: Fulfilled Buying: 3 suits of chainmail of displacement Offer: N/A Status: Closed |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: LA Mictlan
Selling: Lifelong protection Offer: 15 gems (any type) or forging in exchange Status: Open |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: LA Mictlan
Selling: 50 blood slaves Offer: 30 air gems Status: Fulfilled |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: LA Ermor
Buying: 2 Water bracelet boosters Offer: 12 Gems (any type) Except: Those I'm at war with. Status: waiting for offers |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: EA Oceania
Selling: 2 water bracelets to Ermor Price: 12 water gems |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: MA R'Lyeh
Buying: Supply bonus items (Wineskins and cauldrons of broth). At least 1, and preferably a few (about 5 or so). Does not need to be all at once. In fact I would prefer to buy a few over a period of time instead of all at once. Offer: Nominal nature gem cost. Or other gems/gold on a deal-by-deal basis. Except: None. Status: Closed. Deal worked out. |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: LA Tien Chi
Selling: Staff of elemental mastery (+1 F,A,E,W/2h) Offer: 70 Gems of any type other than astral (10F,10W required)O.B.O. Except: None. Status: Awaiting offers |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: LA Ctis
Buying: Death gems Offer: Air gems, water gems Except: None Status: open, pm me |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: MA Ctis
Buying: Flambeaus, other high end 3x damage to demon weapons Offer: water, fire, air, or nature gems or blood slaves, or a combo. Also willing to pay gold. Can forge any constr 6 item using water, astral, nature or death, including moonvine bracelets, boots quickness, horror helm etc. Status: order filled. |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: EA Oceania
Buying: Several charcoal shields and fire/frost brands Offer: fire, earth, possibly some nature gems, or lvl 6 construction items. PM me for details Status: closed Nation: EA Oceania Buying: Up to 20 air gems Offer: 25 fire, earth or 20 nature gems. Status: closed |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
Nation: EA Oceania
Selling: Staff of Elemental Mastery Price: 60 gems of any kind except fire, at least 25 of which must be water; or 55 water and/or death gems Staus: open |
Re: Perpetuality Trading House
*Changed* see below
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