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-   -   Slow AI turns (1.13) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=31725)

neofit November 9th, 2006 12:28 PM

Re: Slow AI turns (1.13)
Now I've got a "stable" savegame, i.e. in which the same empires generate a slowdown, namely 'Player 2'. I've tried playing with a few parameters in "settings.txt".

"Number Of Space Combat Turns:=30" does nothing to shorten Player2's turn when brought down to 1 turn.

"Create Log Text Files for Players:=False" and "Create Log Text Files for Players:=False" do not generate any log files when set to true, or I didn't manage to find them.

No other parameter seems to influence the length of Player2's turn, but "Space Combat Maximum Time (Seconds):=300". Player2's turn takes that very number of seconds, give or take a few.

I don't have much experience with combat in SEV. I have yet to fight a battle in this new 1.13 game, and have only seen one in 1.08. Do you think I'll completely break the AI if I limit its combat length to 30 secs? It would at least make the game playable for me before the next patch. How long does an average combat take?

Also, since all else failed, I've finally tried logging into Player2's empire to see what was going on. I remember doing that in SEIV, but to my deepest shame I can't find a way to do it in SEV. Help!

Slick November 9th, 2006 12:44 PM

Re: Slow AI turns (1.13)
I'd agree that it has to do with combat. In SE4, combat did significantly increase turn processing. There may be other areas to look at, though, such as AI pathing. See other discussion here:

http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...&Forum=f23,f204,f199,f150,f59,f128,f105,f200,f201,f202&W ords=ssd&Searchpage=0&Limit=25&Main=45 9613&Search=true&where=bodysub&Name=26 69&daterange=1&newerval=5&newertype=w& amp;olderval=&oldertype=&bodyprev=#Post461 910

Raapys November 9th, 2006 12:57 PM

Re: Slow AI turns (1.13)
No other parameter seems to influence the length of Player2's turn, but "Space Combat Maximum Time (Seconds):=300". Player2's turn takes that very number of seconds, give or take a few.

If you turn that one down to 1 you'll probably see a gigantic increase, since combats will be limited to 1 second. I suppose turning it down to a more reasonable number, say 90 or 120( not that many *real*, i.e. not chasing, combats last more than a minute anyway), would probably cut processing time in half depending on how many seperate combats the AI is doing, while still maintaning an acceptable combat length.

neofit November 9th, 2006 01:20 PM

Re: Slow AI turns (1.13)

Raapys said:
No other parameter seems to influence the length of Player2's turn, but "Space Combat Maximum Time (Seconds):=300". Player2's turn takes that very number of seconds, give or take a few.

If you turn that one down to 1 you'll probably see a gigantic increase, since combats will be limited to 1 second. I suppose turning it down to a more reasonable number, say 90 or 120( not that many *real*, i.e. not chasing, combats last more than a minute anyway), would probably cut processing time in half depending on how many seperate combats the AI is doing, while still maintaning an acceptable combat length.

That's what I said: 'Nothing helps, BUT "Space Combat Maximum Time (Seconds)"' http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif. When set to 10 secs, Player2's turn takes 10 secs. I was asking whether 30 secs wouldn't break the AI. Because with an average of 2-3 AIs fighting in the same turn I'll be having them waste 1-1.5 mins of my time staring at a black screen, on every turn. I wouldn't wait more than that.

Edit: Also, how do I log into a computer-controlled empire?

Raapys November 9th, 2006 01:29 PM

Re: Slow AI turns (1.13)
Sorry, must have misread you.

You can log into player 2 by going to the menu->players and deselecting the second player on the list. You'll need a password to enter the list and to log into the player, though. Unless you changed it, the password will be 'master'.

Anyway, you're not waiting for the duration of 'space combat maximum time'. The space combats go at an 8x speed or faster( which means the longest combat takes 300/8 seconds or less). The problem is that an AI empire can sometimes have 8+ combats in a single turn. I'd try putting it at 60 at the lowest; lower than that and you risk *real fights* not getting finished.

neofit November 9th, 2006 02:23 PM

Re: Slow AI turns (1.13)
1 Attachment(s)
More news from the frontline. Thanks to Raapys I managed to log into Player2.

In that "stable" savegame Player2's turn takes about 50 secs. What he does is move half a dozen ships, colonizes a planet and gets into one combat situation: his 3 fresh DU frigates attack 3 enemy badly damaged DU frigates. 1 is immobilized, one has 1 working engine and flees, the 3rd one engages. This combat takes about 1min 50 secs at x1 time acceleration. I've only been through it in Tactical Mode, in Strategic Mode, regardless of the time acceleration, the game crashes when I close the combat window.

With my E6600 CPU I can't imagine the AI taking more than a handful of seconds to plan his turns at stardate 2043.2. Then there is no way this very combat action runs at x8, looks more like a x2 time factor. If it did run at x8 that would give about 12 secs for the combat, and about 38 for turn planning/execution? Sounds too much. First, other empires, when no combat is taking place, have their turn planned and executed in 2-3 secs on the black screen. Second, this CPU can create a unique index on 43 million rows on two columns in about 1 minute (with Oracle) http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif. That's a bit more work than planning actions for a rather silly AI http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif.

So IMO either combat is taking place at a x2 acceleration, colonizing a planet is taking like 30 secs, or there are some mystical Forces of Evil at work.

In case anyone knows how to turn debugging on and want to figure out what is going on, help Aaron and all, here is the savegame. And BTW I wouldn't mind knowing how to turn debugging on too, and where to look for the log.

AAshbery76 November 9th, 2006 02:33 PM

Re: Slow AI turns (1.13)
It's so frustrating to have the game finally playable only to have these long turns stop me from playing.

neofit November 9th, 2006 02:47 PM

Re: Slow AI turns (1.13)

AAshbery76 said:
It's so frustrating to have the game finally playable only to have these long turns stop me from playing.

Maybe, if enough people state that this bug actually made the game unplayable, unlike all other issues, this may warrant a quick hotfix for this issue only, instead of having us wait for another two weeks for a full 1.18 (or something) patch.

Intimidator November 9th, 2006 03:19 PM

Re: Slow AI turns (1.13)
Got the same problem since 1.13
Turns are taking forever, and even in the early game it takes a lot longer than before 1.13


Raapys November 9th, 2006 07:49 PM

Re: Slow AI turns (1.13)
This combat takes about 1min 50 secs at x1 time acceleration.

Unfortunately that's not of much help; there are random factors involved in combat. I've done the same combats again and again and got very different results some of the times.

I agree that we all should be mailing Aaron about this, though. I've turned down the maximum combat time to 90 seconds myself, which helped a bit, but it's still far slower than it should be. Biggest issue there is, right now. If the next patch is supposed to be in a couple of weeks we'll probably not get anything before that, though.

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