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CNCRaymond May 11th, 2006 11:53 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *updated*
Why redo them? I mean whats wrong with the current set?

Black_Knyght May 12th, 2006 05:23 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *updated*
One very <font color="red">MAJOR</font> reason would be to have a Tholian shipset that ACTUALLY resembled the Tholian ships from the Star Trek Universe. The current ships aren't bad, if fact they're very good, but they just aren't what anyone interested in the Tholians has come to see as,...well..., THOLIAN !!! They're what most of us have settled for since a more realistic, or rather more accurate, shipset wasn't available.

<font color="red">AT</font> has done some simply amazing work putting the feel of each of the respective Star Trek races and their shipsets into reality. All except the Tholians. Wouldn't a Tholian set from <font color="red">AT</font> himself be a perfect way to wrap up the Star Trek shipsets?

Personally, I'd say <font color="red"> Hell Yeah !!! </font> http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/cool.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Fyron May 12th, 2006 11:43 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *updated*
Personally, I think the Tholian set is better than most anything else I have seen about "Tholians".

Like these ugly things:


Or this:

another ugly one

or this ugly mug

This one isn't too bad, though: okish

Oleg has done much better work than 99% of the half-arsed attempts at Tholian ships out there, I think. No need to discount his work like this... they look just as "Trek" as any of AT's sets.

Atrocities May 12th, 2006 12:02 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *updated*
Oleg had a solid textred version of the set. but no oleg for a very long time.

Captain Kwok May 12th, 2006 12:26 PM

Re: Star Trek Tholians
I've always like Oleg's Tholian set, and how cool would they have been if they were partially transparent!?

But I wouldn't mind seeing AT take a shot at a Tholian set either. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Black_Knyght May 12th, 2006 12:56 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *updated*

Oleg has done much better work than 99% of the half-arsed attempts at Tholian ships out there, I think. No need to discount his work like this... they look just as "Trek" as any of AT's sets.

Whoa, easy there, hotshot !!!

No need to get pissy, <font color="darkred">Fyron</font>, I wasn't dissin' Oleg, or his shipset. In point of fact, I said it was a good one. If you are looking for a crystalline shipset, it's great.

It just doesn't resemble the Tholians from the series, or have the same "character" as the remainder of the "Star Trek" shipsets. That's all.

If you play the Star Trek Mod, with all of it's associated "Star Trek" shipsets, in can be reasonably assumed that you are a fan of the ST universe - to one degree or another. Therefore, there's a certain appeal to having the Klingons, or Romulans, or Son'a in what actually look like Klingon, or Romulan, or Son'a ships, as they are seen in that universe.

That specific "flavor" or "theme" is a large part of the appeal. Whether or not you think they are ugly or not isn't even close to the issue. Any number of ships may look "ugly" or "half-arsed" to one person and appeal to another. There were already a number of other shipsets for specific races in existence when <font color="red">AT</font> created new versions of them, not with the thought in mind of trashing prior efforts but as simply a new choice. That's the same story here. A new choice, done in <font color="red">AT</font>'s unique and talented style.

Fyron May 12th, 2006 08:26 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *updated*
"There were already a number of other shipsets for specific races in existence when AT created new versions of them..."

100% of such ST ship sets were just screen captures, half made by AT before he got into modeling, anyways. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

So... do you actually want them to look like the crudely crafted models from TOS?


I think even the worst of the models I linked to were much more interesting than those.

"Oleg had a solid textred version of the set. but no oleg for a very long time."

Just send him an email (in his profile). He'll respond. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

narf poit chez BOOM May 13th, 2006 01:46 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *updated*
All it needs is a paint job. The basic idea of a gem-like starship is good.

Black_Knyght May 13th, 2006 03:56 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *updated*
I'm curious, <font color="darkred">Fyron</font>, why you're soooooooooo adamantly opposed to the idea of a new shipset for the game ? This seems almost personal, as if a new Tholian shipset was some sort of an affront to you.

Really though, what's wrong with the idea of <font color="red">AT</font>'s creating a new Tholian shipset, one that more closely resembles the ships seen in the series? Is that such a bad thing? Why the need to bash and trash the idea? You may well like the set that alreadt exists. More power to you. Others may be interested in a different one. Is that so bad?

You asked "So... do you actually want them to look like the crudely crafted models from TOS?".

Honestly, as a fan of Star Trek, my answer is - <font color="green">yes</font>!

Or, as they appeared in the Enterprise series, or perhaps even some convergence of the two. I admire <font color="red">AT</font>'s works, I like the effort made to maintain the "look &amp; feel" of the Star Trek Mod, and I personally even like the overall look of the Tholians and they're ships.

Can anyone honestly say that Klingon ships are stylish or pretty, or Vulcan ships, or Hirogen ships? What about some of the Stock Races ships, like the Toltayans, or the Piundon? Yeah, they can, just as others would say they're not.

I think the most basic point in question here is the one you've managed to dance around so peevishly. This is not a question of whether or not the existing Tholian shipset is good or bad, but would anybody be interested in seeing <font color="red">AT</font> redo it in his own uniquely talented style?

In answer to that particular question, my personal vote would be: Yes

Black_Knyght May 13th, 2006 04:17 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *updated*
Just for some additional perspective, here are a few examples other possible types of Tholian ship designs. They originated in a Star Trek PC game developed by Paramount.


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